I lightly shoved him, "This is my first homecoming," I said, "I skipped my last one because of criminal activity."

I see Peter grin, "I kind of ended up ditching my homecoming date because her dad was the criminal known as the Vulture."

I frown, "Ouch," I say, "That sucks."

He nods, "Haven't heard much from her since she left."

"Sorry about that," I said.

He shakes his head, "No- No, it's no problem." He said.

We crossed the street to lead us to the train station that we usually take. While we boarded and the train took off in its direction, Peter motioned for me to take the empty seat.

"Peter," I spoke up.

He looks from his phone to me, "Yeah?"

"Uh- I've been wondering about this for a while now," I frowned.

This wasn't the time to ask him how he feels about me. Not in public. Not on a train. However, I see Peter's eyes on mine.

"Everything okay?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I just- I wonder if my dad is really an awful man. Like was he always that person or if something made him into that."

Peter kneels in front of me, "I wish I could give you the answer you want, Emma. But honestly I don't know."

I frown while nodding, "I know."

He stands, "But I can tell you one thing," He started, "You aren't your father's daughter. You are your own person."

I see the smile on his face. I share the same smile on my face. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

Suddenly, Peter's nerves changed. He grabbed me and pulled me toward the pole and held onto it. The train shook and then derailed. I felt the train car we were in, fall off the tracks.

People screaming. Everything felt like it slowed down. Then crash.

There were sparks and glass scattered everywhere. People crying and screaming. I slowly open my eyes to come back to the reality in this, noticing Peter still holding onto me.

"Pete," I say softly.

Peter groans and opens his eyes, "You- You okay?"

I nod and noticed there was no injuries on me. I look at Peter. He seemed fine, probably sore from the fall.

"You okay?" I ask.

He nods.

People who could move, were getting out of the train car. That was the same for Peter and I. As we crawled out, we hear more screaming and more chaos.

Standing there was a new Warlord. At least a person in a similar suit.

"Emma Sterling," This man had an Asian accent.

My eyes widen, "Tha- That voice."

Peter looks at me, "Em?"

The man in the robotic armor lands in front of us, "It appears your father doesn't value your life. What a pity however," He grins, "I can make you useful."

He went to grab at me, but Peter grabbed me quickly and pulled me away. We rolled on the shattered glass. I groan and look up at the man.

"How about you hand over the girl," He said to Peter, "And no one else has to get hurt."

I felt Peter's grip on me and I glance at him. He wasn't going to hand me over. I know that and he knew it too.

"Fine," The man said, "Guess I have to do it the hard way."

Young Avengers: Child's Play [1]Where stories live. Discover now