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Well hey humans! c:

I A M S O S O R R Y :c

I've been an awful person to not update this for SO LONG but so much is going on in my life right now just asdfghjkl:o

One of these things is that I'm getting a book published :D

Like full on book. I can't even comprehend this. Anyway it isn't edited yet, so I'm going to start posting the unedited version on here sooooon! (It's called Twenty Six) So you can look forward to that:3 BUT. Because of that...I'm going to have to put this story on hold, just like I did with the other one :'c I'll be back soon, promise<3

I love you guys endless amounts okay ;w;

Also, check out LittleInfinities7 , I started reading her Johnlock fic 'If all else fails' recently and it's so amazing:3

As it Should Be (Johnlock/Teenlock)Where stories live. Discover now