I kissed back with hesitation, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

I started to feel more uncomfortable when he started to trail down my neck, placing his hands on my waist.

"M-Mike" I whimpered, he didn't stop.

I pushed him back, "I don't feel comfortable with this"

"Why? You've been out with an eighteen year old, why not me?" He growled into my neck, forcing himself on me again.

I dived under his arm, "Mike. Stop. I don't want to go this far"

He sighed angrily, before violently pushing me out the way and walking towards Tina.

I made my way over to Finn, who was talking with Kurt.

"I hate boys" I mumbled.

"Uh- rude!" Kurt chuckled.

Finn shrugged, "I mean, I hate boys sometimes too. So she's not wrong"

Then the words that I dreaded came out of Rachel's mouth.

"Let's play spin the bottle!"

I shuddered at the memories of playing this with Hunter and his older friends, but I couldn't disappoint Rachel. I told her that I was gonna participate.

We started with Puck, and went round the circle slowly.

When it came to me, I sighed, "so I have to do this?"

"Yes!" Rachel cheered drunkenly, "it's only fair if everyone has a go!"

I mumbled angrily, spinning the bottle. It landed on someone who..I wasn't disappointed.

I had a crush on Santana during my freshman year of high school. I didn't realise it was a crush until we became best friends, but still a crush none the less.

I told Kurt about it at the start of this year, and he thought i was stupid. I fell for my best friend.

I was taken out of my thoughts when someone's lips- specifically Santana's, touched mine.

I kissed back almost immediately, electricity formed in my stomach, but I ignored it. I was with Mike.

The others cheered as we pulled away.

"Not bad" she smirked.

I quickly regained my composure, "not too bad yourself, Lopez"

I went and sat back in between Kurt and Finn, Kurt narrowed his eyes on me, "how did you keep your cool? You've liked her since freshman year"

"I'm screaming internally" I mumbled in response.

Rachel cheered, "My go!"

She spun the green beer bottle, which landed on the Dalton boy.

"Blaine warbler, I'm gonna rock your world" she giggles, crawling over to face Blaine.

Their lips touched, and they started to make out hungrily.

I looked at Kurt, a pure look of jealously on his face. I felt awful.

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