She finally turned towards me with a crazy smile. "What happened?! Oh my gosh I can't believe it! Tell me everything! Every detail! Don't leave anything out!"

"Ok!" I laughed, "But you have to promise me to breathe."

She playfully punched ny arm. "Seriously! What happened?!"

"Well first, this really no-nonsense lady came up to me-"


"Annnnnnnd," I dragged out the 'and' just to bug her She was the most impatient girl in the world, always has been. "She lead me backstage, and this other man with a really sweet smile explained that I would go onstage with the boys when he said 'go'-"

"So were you, like, freaking out? Like about to die?! I would have died." Jessica rambled, sounding like she was having a panic attack of some sort. It was actually kind of funny, although I was freaking out the same way when it happened.

"Yes! I thought I was going to hurl! Or pass out... Anyways, he said 'go' and I went on stage, you know what happened then..."

"Well yeah! But what happened afterwards?! Why were you back-"

"I'm getting there." I chuckled. "Calm your mammaries."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm my mammaries! I want to  know what happened!! This is HUGE!" She yelled at me, throwing her arms all around spastically. We attracted weird looks from the workers around us, but she didn't notice.

"Well, Harry whispered into my ear 'meet me backstage',"

She gasped. ""

"Yeah! So I did! And I met them after the show! Their management was kind of mad at Harry, though, for inviting me. But it didn't matter!"

"Were they nice?"

"Extremely. Extremely extremely exteremly. They were so geniune."

"Were they hotter in person?"

"Yeeaaaah." I said in a sing-song voice. "They were perfect."

"Describe them."


"Just do it!' She was about to pop something important. 

"Ok, well they all looked tired...but not. You could definitely tell that they'd just performed, because they looked exhausted. But they were so full of life at the same time! Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah...kind of! Not really. But who cared?!" She laughed hysterically, stomping her feet under her. I think she was having a spasm. "So what did you talk about? Did anything...happen?"

"That's the best part." I grinned slyly, trying to decide how to tell her. I huge grin popped onto her face, showing all of her perfectly white, perfectly straight teeth.

"Harry kissed my cheek again....and I got his number!!" I screeched, as did she, and she grabbed my arms and we started jumping up and down together.

"OHHHH MYYY GOSSSHH!" She partially sang, partially screamed. We got more strange looks, but I guess the workers labeled us as fangirls and decided to leave us be.

She stopped jumping, so I did too. She looked at my sinisterly, and whispered, "Let me have the phone..."

"Jessica, no-"

"Let me see the phone!" She practically pounced on me, causing me to lose my balance and almost...almost fall over. She didn't seem to notice my graceful moment, however, she was too busy trying to snake her arms around me so she could reach my purse to get my phone.

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