
The voice was riddled with disbelief, and when I looked up, I took in the face of my aunt - the one who had lifted me to who I was, although she never believed.

"Aunt Mimi," I breathed, but before I could continue, her hand was reaching out and she touched my cheek gently, completely unaware of Kaylee behind me.

"Oh, dear.." She mumbled, and a grin spread across her lips. "Come in, hone-"

Behind me, a sharp giggle sounded, and I widened my eyes at the sight of Mimi taking her gaze from me, only to spot my baby and Kaylee.

"W- who's this?" She stammered, but before I could explain, Kaylee spoke up.

"Hello," She began, taking on a brave face. She seemed so tiny and fragile as she leant down to pat Jasper's hair. "I'm Kaylee, and this is my baby, Jasper."

Damn. We've blown it.


The dining room table held all four of us, but no words.

It was all silence as Mimi sipped her tea, glancing warily at Jasper, then over to me with sentences on her lips, but she never spoke.

I could feel the disappointment, crawling on my skin.

"Look, Mimi.." I started, but my words trailed off.


Kaylee's eyes turned to me in curiosity, but also fear, as Mimi spoke finally.

"How?" I asked, but I already knew.

How could I have done this to her, when I was supposed to be her good little nephew?

"Mimi, I-" My words were cut short by Jasper's gurgling, and I looked towards him, the answer clear. "I'm a father. I know, I should've let you know, but.. I didn't know how to."

Mimi's lips were pursed as I looked back towards her. That's not what she meant.

"Are you married?"

"No, Mimi.."

Wrong answer.

I watched as my aunts lips thinned into a straight line, her eyes boring into mine as she searched my face.

How could I have ever wanted to come back here?

Silence succumbed me, but before I knew it, she was speaking again.

"Is she good enough?"

I heard Kaylee breathe in quickly, her hand tightening around mine underneath the table where I knew Mimi couldn't see, and rage welled up inside of me.

"What?" I hissed, leaning forward across the oak. "Mimi, Kaylee is right there-"

"Was she worth the sacrifice, John." Mimi retorted, her face blank and un-affected. "Your life? Gosh, you're 25, John!"

"I know! And of' course she fuckin' was worth it!" I yelled, but instead of waiting for her next opinion, I stood up. "C'mon, Kaylee, let's go."

"What?" She asked, her arms gripped on Jasper as she got up from her chair. Her blue eyes looked to Mimi, nervous. "Are we going?"

"Yes." I responded, hurrying for the door. "We don't need to be here."

We'd barely made it the the front door when Mimi's footsteps could be heard down the hallway, and I quickened my pace until she yelled.


I spun around; as did Kaylee.

The lady in the hallway stared back at us, her features softened and her hand outstretched, fear etched in her eyes.

She didn't want me to go.. I'd left once, and she didn't want it to happen again..

"What?" I spat, ignoring my sympathetic thoughts. "Got any more insults for my life choices?"

I knew the words hurt her, but she simply took a few steps towards us again.

"Can I..?"

Her arms reached forward for Jasper, and I felt protective. No, I did not want her touching my son.

"O- of course.." Kaylee had already begun to say, and I felt helpless.

As Jasper was lifted into his great-aunts arms, I cringed.

I remembered the time my aunt had stolen me from my own mother, claiming her unfit for my upbringing, just so she could raise me her own way.

If she ever accused me of the same..

"He's just like you," Mimi was saying, tilting her head down towards the baby as she stared up. "What a stroke of luck.."

"Right," I growled, grabbing my son from Mimi's arms. My eyes met hers, and I felt a burning sensation. "I'm leaving, and guess what? The next time you see me on the news, it'll be because I'm married to the girl you think isn't good enough."

Mimi's mouth twitched, but I spun around, ready to go.

"John!" Kaylee protested, but I ignored her and pulled open the front door, strolling out onto the drive.

I knew I looked crazy. I was rejecting my own aunt who'd raised me, but this.. this woman was criticising my everything.

"John!" Kaylee called again, but I was already taking off down the street, eager for the long walk home. "John, that woman raised you."

"So fucking what?" I retorted, turning to see Kaylee with the stroller I'd forgotten. "She didn't do a very good job, did she?"

Kaylee's lips parted as I said that, possibly about to defend my aunt, but when she didn't, I grinned.

"Were you serious?" Was all she replied with, her voice soft. "About what you said?"

I held my hand for her to stop, placing Jasper into the stroller before we continued.

"Serious about what?" I asked, straightening back up as we began walking again.

"I mean- oh, nevermind.." She muttered, but I did mind.

I knew exactly what she was talking about.

Of course I was serious about marrying her.


Okay guys, this is going to one of the few last chapters of this book, and then my account is going to become un-active.




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