Sinbad gulped and looked down, his face in anguish. "That I can't allow."

"Sinbad," Hinahoho gritted his teeth.

"In this situation, I have to agree," Drakon said. "This has become quite a mess now that Lucy is gone. We can't get separated anymore."

Ja'far, who had caught up with them by himself and had barely managed to avoid being engulfed by the waters, stood there in complete agreement despite being torn apart as to whether or not they should go after Lucy.

"This djinn is unlike the others. His nature is unlike Baal's, too," Ja'far noted. "He's intentionally making it so that he won't be captured."

"I agree," Aladdin said. "To outsiders, it might seem unfair but to the law, it's fair. This Djinn most likely doesn't want to be captured and is purposefully making it hard so that only a person who can pass through all his trials becomes his capturer."

Morgiana nodded her head. "That does make sense."

"But to not be able to use anything," Alibaba said. "It's basically a death ground."

"That's the whole point, Alibaba-kun," Aladdin said with a worried look. "To be rendered useless with nothing at hand is what the Djinn wants. He wants you to know that we're nothing without our magoi and metal vessels. That's just how weak we are."

"Then Lucy-sama is..." Koumei looked at Aladdin.

"The Djinn must've noticed her by now," Aladdin explained, his eyebrows knitting together. "Lucy-neesan might've been put into an illusion by the Djinn. In the worst case scenario, she might already be..."

Kouen gritted his teeth.

"'s all my fault. If only I had noticed sooner," Kouha collapsed to his knees as his tears cumulated in his eyes. "Everything's my fault..."

"Kouha-niisama," Kougyoku covered her mouth with her sleeve and looked away, feeling equally guilty.

Kouen couldn't feel her presence from the phoenix bangle that she wore either. Tightening his fists, he punched a nearby wall as his face contorted with rage and murder. He stood there, thinking about what he should do but the atmosphere around him only grew darker. They took a step back away from Kouen, fearing for their lives if they even dared as to talk to him. In the end, it was only Lucy that could make him feel this way as well as the only one to make that sort of expression disappear just with one touch.


Then, he realized. He remembered the words that she had said before. She planned to stay with them and she had no intention of ever leaving again. She had promised him that and knowing her, she would keep that promise no matter how hard it may seem to be. Moreover, he knew that she wanted him to trust her. Calming down, he straightened himself and began thinking clearly.

"She'll be fine," he said, his eyes clear.

"En-nii?" Kouha looked up at him.

"She'll be fine," he repeated. "She'll definitely come back. I know this. I'm sure of this."

They looked at him before looking back down. His words were filled with confidence and without the slightest hint of doubt. It made them believe that what he said was actually true. No, it had to be true. It was Lucy they were talking about. No matter who she seemed to be at first, after seeing that power she possessed even though it might be limited, they believed that she could take care of herself.

"But, we have to find her," Ja'far said. "Even if she does have quite the power, her safety is still our priority. Her magoi won't last long and after using that much magoi, she's bound to be quite limited in her use."

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