Chapter 12*

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When we reached the hospital, I ran to the nearest desk lady.

"Where's jungkook." I said louder tan I should've and making the lady flinch in the process.

"Um. R-Room 407 on Le-vel 4"
With that we all rushed to level 4, in search of room 407.

When we all reached, we saw jungkook unconscious on the bed with a weeping taehyung beside it.

Y/N's POV*
When I reached Jin's house, he told me he had somewhere important to take care off and for me to get comfortable at his house.
After a few hours, I heard the door opening. I immediately rushed down stairs to be greeted by Jin's pale face.
When I asked him what's wrong he quickly dismissed it.

The next day~

When I work up, I saw jin eating breakfast.
I told him good morning and he gestured me to join him.

"Um y/n?"

"Yes Jin."

"I know it's a bad time to ask, but I've fell in love with you for a few years now and I've decided to finally ask, do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I was shocked I've never thought of Jin that way before.

"I'm so-sorry Jin but I don't feel the same." When I said that it broke me seeing jin sad.
"Um why is it a bad time to ask?" I ask genuinely confused.

""Jungkook... He's in the hospital, unconscious" he said, his voice getting weaker.
I felt as if my whole world came crushing down.

"What hospital?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"______" (still dun know hospital)
With that I rushed out the door and headed to the hospital.

You better be fucking okay jungkook
Sorry short episode 😆

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