Chapter 11*

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Y/N's POV*
I didn't bother looking at jungkook today. I immediately purchased a divorce permit and placed it in my room and attached a note to it, that read.

" dear jungkook,
bye the time your reading this, I already left. It pains me writhing this letter but it pains me to stay her watching you and Mina together any longer. I love you jungkook, but was never able to say it. I'm sorry I came into your life, and ruined your relationship with Mina. Good bye.
~y/n "
I shed a few tears in the process but wiped it away, putting the note on top of the divorce papers and left it on top of my bed. I packed my luggage and headed for Jin's house.

I can't believe y/n did that to me when I started trusting her again
Ughh my life is a mess!

I got out of my bed and drove to Mina's house.

Knock Knock

The door opened and I saw a guy that looks a little younger than me.
"Who are you?"

"Who are YOU!"

"I'm Mina's BOYFRIEND! Who are you?!"

"What I'm Mina's boyfriend! MINA EXPLAIN THIS!" The younger boy shouted calling Mina.

"Yes ba-JUNGKOOK!?"

"Who the fuck is this!" I shouted while pointing at the younger guy.

"Listen jungkook, I don't feel like you treat me as you used to do anymore!"

"What the fuck Mina I gave you everything!!!! 
I bet you also lied about y/n slapping you too huh!?" I said gritting my teeth.

"Yes and that too!"


She freaking slammed the door on my face.

I drove back home sniffing, when I reached home I went straight to bed without eating dinner.

When I woke up the next day I called y/n to make me breakfast, but she didn't answer her phone.

I sighed and headed to y/n's room.
Knock knock
That's weird she didn't answer
I went in anyway, but to my surprise y/n's stuff was all gone. All that was left was a price of paper and a note.

Curiosity got the best of me, I walked to the papers and held it up. Tears started flowing out of my eyes when they had laid on the divorce papers. I quickly opened the note and read it.

She-she loved me? After how mean I had been?

I clenched my heart, falling to my knees.

What have I done?
I limped to the living room.

"Jungkook lets play! I just bought this new video game and- oh my gawd what happens to you!?"

Taehyung hurriedly picked me up and laid me on the sofa.

"Cough cough. I'm fine cough."
I covered my mouth, when I looked at my hand I notice blood. Then I blacked out.

When jungkook noticed blood on his hand and blacked out, I hurriedly called an ambulance, and namjoon hyung.
"Oh hey tae, what up?"

"Jungkook hospital!"

"What which hospital?"

"______" ( dun know any hospital sorry)
I then hung up the phone.
When the ambulance came they picked up jungkook put him in the car with me following them inside, and drove to the hospital.

When I got a call from taehyung, I told the other hyungs and we all rushed to the hospital.


"JUNGKOOK! If you can't get along with jin or anyone else other than taehyung, I suggest you leave the group for good." I said, hoping to hear an apology not choosing to leave the group, but instead jungkook left waving his hands saying goodbye without a care.
After jungkook left, the air was filled with silence. I knew every one was tense but Jin looked tense and relieved. I told taehyung to look after jungkook and call us if anything went wrong.


I kept repeating in my head the words
Please be okay jungkook
While I was driving to the hospital with the rest of bts.

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