Chapter 19

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The entire government of Genovia was in the room. Loud mouths talking over one another to shut up while Jake and I just sat there trying to solve what just happened.

"You think he did this for the attention?" He whispered to me.

"Of what kind, he seems to be getting all of it right now. Where's Nick?" I look around for a tall handsome fellow anywhere, he was nowhere near to be found.  Jake took my hand a gripped it lightly.

"Everything will be okay. Deep breathes."

I look around to spot my mom, Nick, and my Genovia family. Michael, who claims to be father had just randomly found my crown. I gripped Jake's hand harder as my eyes contacted with Michael's. He took notice and took the chance to distract me.

"Here. I've been kinda meaning to give you this on your 21st  birthday." He handed me a black box while I looked at him stunned.

"Jake, you know we're only teens right? I've got so many years until I'm 21." He opened the black box and appeared a rose gold ring with flowers and golden tiny diamonds. I think I smiled so much that I lunged at him and kissed him. 

"Oh! My gosh ! Jake I -"

"No, it's not a proposal...well, it was kinda..." He continues as he puts in the ring on my left ring finger. "I would've proposed on your 21st..."

I smiled at him. "How would you even know I would say yes...?"

"Trust me, I'm a charming guy...and I know you had a crush on me since we've met." He smiled at me as I admired the ring in awe. 

"It's so beautiful Jake. I love it." He took my hand with the ring on it and kissed it gently as I blushed.

Nicholas POV

I waited outside the door of Mia's room as I twirled my fingers together to entertain myself. I smiled to myself and shake my head. I pull out an engagement box out of my coat. I'm gonna marry her, and she's going to say "Yes." Well, I hope she will. I hear her loud footsteps approaching the door and hide the box back in my pocket. 

"Hey, thank you for waiting...come on they're probably waiting for us." She smiled at me as she took my arm. Yivi didn't have her smile. She had her beautiful eyes, brown hair, body shape, but not the smile. 

We enter the courtroom and silenced filled the room. I could feel Mia's fingers press upon my bicep harder. I let her walk up to the stand as I take my seat next to Jake. Jake and I exchanged looks and smiled at me. I glanced over to Yivi and found her staring at her hands. She was admiring the ring I bought for Jake.

"I can tell she loves it." I say. "You did good."

The Genovian jury stand before us with Michael and Mia on the end of their sides. Michael took the witness stand Mia stood to question his ways. I twiddle my fingers and slightly sweat. I don't know why I was nervous. Something was off.


"Yes my queen." I could tell Mia was irritated but I couldn't interrupt.

"Why is it that you come now? What are you trying-"

"I love you Mia. Always have."

"Right, " Mia took a pause. "You wanna become King..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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