Chapter 5: Ball Night

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Chapter 5: Ball night

Yivi's P.O.V

This was the day I died. Jk, nope. This was actually the day the ball will be held by my great grandmother.

I put on my white dress that falls to my knees and it comes along with a white bow.

I spun around in front of my mirror.

"You look beautiful my darling." I heard my grandmother say.

"Thank you." I hugged her.

"Let's go, we might see you Prince Charming," she smiled.

"Oh, yeah. I WILL find him." Like in going to see him... Oh, please.

But when to think of it.... I already seen him.

*Time skip*

"Welcome to my wonderful daughter, Princess Yivi of Genovia." My mom raised her glass as I walked down the stairs.

"To princess Yivi," my great grandmother said.

"To princess Yivi," everyone said and raised their glass.

After all that happened, I had to dance with several men around 14-17 ages of boys....

I was one my 5th boy and so far,.... They were all bad!

"May I?" A brown eye chocolate man tapped on the boy that was dancing with me.

We both said our goodbyes and now, I was dancing with my 6th.

"Hello, what's your name?" I smiled, he is very cute!

"Anthony Ladao," after he had respond to that, it hit me.

"From Midnight Red?!" I whispered yelled.

"Yes, that's me." He chuckled.

"Oh my g-o-s-h! What are you doing here!" I still kept my fan girl out but it seemed like she wanted to get out.

"On tour, and plus, your mom asked us to come and we agreed.... And look where we are now.... Dancing together."

"Not to mention but you are good at dancing." I laughed.

"Don't push it princess, I don't like you the way your dream Prince Charming does... Yet."

"Yet?.... Don't worry I don't feel the same either... Yet." I giggled.

"I like you, and I will talk to you more." He kissed my cheek.

We kept on dancing, talking, laughing until..... Jake tapped his shoulder.

"May I?"

We both said our goodbyes and he left.

As soon as I touched Jake's warm hands.... My body sensed sparks.

"You talked to Anthony a lot... Should I be jealous?" He smirked.

"I don't think so. Anyways, I don't like him. (I really do!!!! Ok back to the story!!!) but he's a really cool guy."

"At least he didn't fall for you."

"What do you mean 'he didn't fall for me'?" I said seriously.

"Princess, he's not going to go to your door and ask you to marry him. That will be stupid, who would fall for you?"

I stepped back. He insulted me?! How dare he?!

"And who told you to come to rain on my parade?"

"Your mom."

I felt anger growing through my veins and I said it, "leave me alone. You, you jerk!" I took off into a different direction and bumped into..

"Lord Nicholas?"

"Hello, princess Yivi. Have you seen Mia? Your mother?"

"No, but keep your little friend away from me! He such and ignorant man with no manners!"

Before he could speak I took off without looking back.

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