Chapter 13: Madness

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Jake's P.O.V

I couldn't handle the madness. Yivi still looks perfect when she's stressed. "Yo, Romeo?" A women about Mia's age stood looking up at me.

"Jake right?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am, who are you?"

"Lily, you're going to hurt yourself!" I crawled down the branches and jumped.

"So, you're um, Queen Mia's friend?" I shook her hand. "Yes, sir! I've heard there was a crown stolen?!"

"Yes, but we got this under control." I smiled and walked away. "I hope everything is under control." I murmured.

Yivi's P.O.V

"Thanks Mom!" I thanked her for letting me go out the Rose Garden. I ran into Lily, my mom's best friend.

"Hey, princess!" She hugged me tight. "Okay, Li, I can't breath!"She let me go and smiled.

"Get your mind of everything, relax, like you're at the beach...." I took a deep breath and let it all out. "Yivi?! Crap....

"Yivi?!"Jake's voice found me.

"Oh, your Prince is coming, maybe I should go.." She got up. "Wait! Lily, don't." but she left anyways.....

"Hi, Jake..." I manage to smile. "Hey, I've been looking for you..." Out of breath.

"Yeah, you've been running around," I laugh. "Sorry, trying to protect the princess, or my love of my life." he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my temple.

", you need to stop..." his eyes pop.

"What? What do you mean?" He kept his grip around me.

"I don't want you to look after me, I can handle myself."

"But, the crown is stolen, I don't want you to be stolen too.." he whispered in my ear.

"I won't, I promise."

I lean in to kiss him, our noses touch but Jake said, "I think I know who took it..." I back up,


Mia's P.O.V

I stripped off my pj's and get my clothes ready for the Queen meeting with.... well, let's just say all the Queens.

"Queen Mia?" they knock.


"Someone is here for you, they're in the dining room."

"Thank you!" I place my crown on my neat hair and make my way down the dining room. Oh no....

"Hello Mia..." Why now? Why today!!!


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