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5th June 2018

New York County, Manhattan.

"So it's final?" the lawyer asked both of Harry and I. I looked over at him, he nod his head without glancing over to me. I turned my head and nod my head as well.

The lawyer gives us a small smile before passing the papers to us. I grabbed the pen and wrote down my signature on my half. Harry did his and he slide back the papers to the lawyer.

Then, it's final. I'm no longer Mrs. Styles. "Thank you for your cooperation. In this papers, it is listed that Margo Houise will have the custody of the child, Thea Amellia Styles with the father visiting on the weekends, Harry Styles" Harry didn't nod his head, nor said a word.

"Yes, that's true" I answered. The lawyer nod his head and wrote something down before clipping the papers and putting them into two different files. Afterwards, he gave one to me and one to Harry.

Three of us stood up. Harry shook the lawyer's hand while I just nod my head before Harry and I left the room. Harry hold the door open for me, I mumbled a thank you before walking pass him.

I inhale the scent of his coconut smell, knowing very well that this may be the last time I will ever be this close to him.

Harry and I left the building together as we parked our cars side by side. Harry get to keep his job and I moved out of the condo into my own house which I bought recently to be near from work and Thea's daycare.

Both of us agreed to let Thea stay at Harry's in the weekend until she turns eighteen. "Thank you for everything, Harry" I said as we both stopped in front our vehicles. "Thank you for everything too, Margo" he finally spoke.

I walked closer to him, wrapped my arms around his torso and pulling him close. "I will always love you" I whispered. Harry hug me back and rest his chin on my shoulder. "I will always love you too" he whispered back.

We finally let go of each other and stood awkwardly infront one another, at least awkward for me. Harry leaned in to give my forehead one last kiss. He rubbed my chin with his fingers and let me go.

"It's official then, we're strangers with memories" Harry joked. I chuckled and nod my head. "Goodbye Harry" I sighed as I went closer to my door. He nod his head and gave me a wave before getting into his car. I got into mine and we both drove away from each other.

It's funny how we thought it would last forever. How soul mates were for eternity. To me, they're probably just temporary. Maybe they would only be there when we need them but when we really don't, they'd be gone.

So while their existence is still there, appreciate and love them as hard as you can. You might never know when or where that person will leave you.

Harry didn't left me. Instead, we walked away from each other.

The end.

Harry//HarryStylesWhere stories live. Discover now