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19th December 2016, 7.48pm
Parish Hills, London

I let Harry took care of Thea while I went upstairs and got ready. I changed into a short dress. It had a v neck and spaghetti straps. It flows down to my knee and hugs my curves perfectly. I curled my hair a bit on the bottom and did my make up. I put on some jewelry and finish off the look with some nude coloured heels. Why I'm dressing up? Because whenever Harry brings us out for dinner it must be a fancy restaurant, what can I say when you're married to the CFO of Styles View.

Shit I remembered about what Stephanie said. I really forgotten about it but now I remembered. Damn, I feel so down right now. I straighten my body posture and look at myself in the mirror. "You gotta be strong. I know you can do this, Margo. All you gotta do is just take control of yourself. You're more than what you think you are" I said to myself.

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and stood up. I sprayed some perfume before going out of the room with my purse in my hand. I walk down the stairs and see that Harry already changed Thea into a cute pink dress and he got his hair up in a quiff.

"God damn, I think you're planning for a second child tonight" Harry commented as I walk down the stairs while putting on my earrings. "Please don't, I'm trying to contain myself tonight" I joked and he laughed. Oh that bloody laugh, I love hearing it but it just made me even more hating him now. Maybe he laughed while signing the papers.

Come on Margo, keep it together. Just don't blow up yet. "I guess we're ready?" I asked him. He nod his head and pull Thea into his arms before grabbing my hand and walking out of the house. Thea is already a year and a half now and she's growing up fast. I love seeing her calling me Mama or calling Harry Baba.

I put her into the child seat at the back seat and buckle her up before going into the passengers seat next to Harry. Harry started the car and drove onto the road. "So how was today? " he asked me. "It was okay, Thea only had a few cries and all but we mostly just played upstairs" I said.

"Are you okay, when I came home today you look like you were just crying" he said, putting his hand onto my lap. Gosh, my weakness. "Uh, yeah I was just stressed about something" I lied. I was crying because of him. "I'm your husband, baby. You can tell me anything" he said, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

I smiled and nod my head. "It was just about my brother" I said. "He's been asking for money from me, but I just want him to have a job and find money on his own" I said. Well, it is a true fact. Troy has been bugging me for money. I love him because he's the only family I got left but it's really annoying when he makes me his personal bank account.

"That's okay, I'll deliver him some money later. How much does he want? 10 or 20 grand? " Harry asked. I shook my head. "No, no. Don't spoil him. I'll just deal him my own" I said. "Baby, your problem is my problem" well true that. "No, it's okay. Like I said, I'll deal with him later. I just want to have a nice dinner with my husband and daughter tonight" I smiled and held his hand.

I sighed and wished I don't know all about the agreements.

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