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30th April 2018
Greenville Hospital, New York.

Harry's not waking up. It's been month now. As a doctor, his condition is ridiculous he should be up about a few hours after he got out of surgery but it's been a freaking month. A freaking month! He's still nowhere near waking up. It's scaring me to be honest.

However, as a wife, it's frightening. Yes, he might have done things that shattered my heart like a broken glass but he still is the man that I have fallen in love so hard, I couldn't even describe how could someone feel so much love from a man.

The stethoscope around my neck fell down to his toes. I wiped my tears away and picked it up. Harry's toes moved as I slide my knuckles on his barefoot. My eyes widened and I turned my head to my nurse. "He moved his toes" I said.

She smiled and wrote it down. "That's a good sign. At least we know he's not brain dead" she said. I nod my head and told her to keep an eye on Harry while I went outside to Harry's family.

Anne walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. When she let go, she kissed both my cheeks. "How's he doing?" she asked. I nod my head and smiled. "He's doing great. He recently moved his toes and we took that as a positive sign. I hope. I'm glad you guys stopped by. Harry needs family support. You can go inside, I need to check up on my other patients" I said as I held my iPad between my arm and body..

Before I could walk away, Anne held a tight grip to my arm as the others went inside Harry's room. "Yes Anne?" I gave her a sweet smile. "Harry told me what he did to you" she said. I bit my lips and smiled, again. "I've forgiven him" I said, nodding my head in reasurement, hoping she would believe me and let go of the topic.

"Harry loved you. He didn't mean to hurt your feelings. He even told me to help you file the divorce papers because he couldn't bare the fact that he broke you. Truly, you still haven't forgiven him. I could see it in your eyes. You're still mad. Yes, you love him but he left a scar on you. You shouldn't be holding on, honey. You're strong but not that strong. Everyone has their own limits and Margo, you've reached yours." Anne said, holding my hands in hers.

I let my iPad fall down and wrapped my arms around her in despair. I nod my head and let my tears fall. Anne rubbed my back as she whispered some kind words to me. At this moment, this is all I want. Someone comforting me, telling me it's all fine. I let go of Anne, grabbed my iPad on the floor and walked away as fast as I could.

I didn't said goodbye cause it's embarrassing. Someone suddenly breaking down in the middle of the hallway to the mother of the man that broke me. I focused my gaze to the picture on my iPad of Harry's brain scans.

Something unusual have been growing on his pons and medulla. My eyes widen as I realised what it was and I quickly rushed to the head surgery office.

"Dr. Jackson!" I called out to my mentor who was talking to Niall. "Yes, Dr. Styles?" he replied and fixed his glasses. Niall gave me a wave which I replied with a nod. "I believe my patient is suffers from a brain tumor. Here are his MRI scans, there's an unusual growth on his pons and medulla." I explained as I gave the iPad to Dr. Jackson.

"Yes it seems so. Could you tell me Dr. Horan?" he gave Niall a look and Niall smiled before examining the pictures. "I believe it's clivus and foramen magnum and it's a very complex surgery to remove it. Which patient is this?" both of the men stared at me and I swallowed before answering.

"Harry Styles. My husband" I answered which left both of them speechless.

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