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7th August 2015, 3.29p.m
Leonard Park, London.

Harry took Thea and I to the park to get some fresh air and since it's Sunday, Harry is out of work. Even though he's the CFO of his company, he's just trying to work harder to get extra paychecks. Beside he's going to be the CEO in the next few months. Or years. I don't know.

Anyways, Thea is turning four months this month. I'm so excited, although four months is too young for anything but she can already roll over and that makes me happy. Her green eyes are starting to pop up when she smiles or look up and she has these thick eyelashes which are probably from Harry and thick eyebrows which are probably from me.

"Let me take her off of that thing" Harry said stopping me from pushing the baby stroller and went to pick up Thea. I smiled and sat in one of the benches. I watch as Harry brings Thea to the trees and flowers. Thea laughing and giggling when Harry does a smiley face and singing her favourite song. I smiled looking at my favourite two people in the world.

"Margo? Margo Houise? " I turned my head to the left to see a woman with black hair and blue eyes smiling at me. "Yeah? That's me" I smiled. "Margo, don't you remember me? It's me, Tiffany Laine. Your cheerleader teammate back in high school" she said sitting down next to me.

"Wait, you're the Tiffany Laine?" I widened my eyes. She's so different now. Back in high school, she had this cute Bob haircut and chubby cheeks but long legs. Now she has longer hair and no more chubby cheeks. She totally lost some weight.

She nod her head and giggled. I smiled and pull her into a hug. "How are you doing? I heard you got married with a CFO of Styles View." she asked. I nod my head. "Yeah a year ago. We have a daughter now, Thea" I smiled and gestured to them where they're playing on the side of a lake.

"Good for you, I'm just getting started in my relationship. Do you remember Tyler? Tyler Simpson?" I nod " We started talking last year when we got into the same college and he just asked me out a few months ago. So it's still is a long way. How did you met Harry? " she asked.

"Oh it's a long story. I went to this small coffee shop to get some of my usual latte and he happens to be there when I trip on my skirt and practically spilled half of my drink on his white shirt and blazer." I giggled at the memory.

"That time, he was rushing to get to his next meeting and it had to be cancelled because he was in a sticky situation" Tiffany started laughing too. "Eventually, I bought him a new shirt and blazer and he asked for my number. Two weeks later, we went on a date and there goes the story" I smiled remembering how we both were fooling around in the men's section for clothes.

"That's so cute" she smiled. "Anyways, what brings you to London?" I asked her. "Like I said, College. You?" she asked. "I already got my diploma from a medical school here. But I just don't feel like working now since I have a baby and all " I shrug. She nods her head.

"I gotta go now. But here's my number" she gave me a piece of paper before waving me goodbye. I place the paper inside my bag and continued to watch at Harry who is now walking towards me.

"Who was she? " Harry asked as he puts Thea into the stroller. "Just an old friend from my High-school cheerleader team" I said. "You never said you were a cheerleader" Harry gasped. "You never asked" I rolled my eyes playfully. "By the way, it's getting more evening now, so dinner?" he asked me. I laughed at his choice of words before nodding my head.

"Help me carry my bag" I said as I gave him my handbag. He nods and grabs Thea's blanket that fell and placed it inside the stroller's basket. "Come on, where should we eat?" Harry asked me as I started to push the strollers on the side of the streets.

I shrug. "Anywhere" I answered. "How about Cheese and Steaks?" he turned to me. I nod my head. "Sure, I love their cheese balls" I groaned dreamily. "How could you ever have that body when you're eating like an elephant?" he joked. "It's called exercising Mr. Houise. Exercise" I rolled my eyes as Harry stuck out his tounge.

"What should we get Thea? "he asked me. I almost laughed out loud at his question. "What?" he asked as I tried to hold my laughed. "She's only seven months old. She doesn't even has any teeth" I said. Harry gave me a look and rolled his eyes. "Whatever" he joked.

As soon as we got into the restaurant, the waiter gave us a table near the corner and let us use our storller since Harry is a regular customer here. "I love how they are so scared of you not being pleased" I giggled. "Me too" Harry chucked and continued eating his steak, while I, I just stick to my cheeseballs.

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