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1st February 2017, 1.36 p.m

Avenue Park, New York

I have spent the last few hours crying, and bawling my eyes in my car at this empty parking lot. What the hell happened to me? I used to be so calm in handling situations, so mature in fights but now, I don't feel like holding it back together anymore.

I'm tired of these lies. I don't understand why'd Harry sign those papers. He didn't mean it but to sign those papers, it was a choice. A choice he agreed to make. A choice that he knew would break me apart. He told me he loved me. He told me he'd cared for me, that he'd be there for me and I'd be there for him.

We promised to stay together through sickness and health. Wealth and poverty, through everything. We promised those in our vows. How could Harry played me like that? Why did he chose me? Why-

"Oh my God!" I jumped in my seat as someone knocked on my window. Since it was quite tinted and my eyes are blood shot red, I couldn't quiet make the face of the person out side. So I quickly put on a pair of RayBans and roll down my window. "Niall?" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Hey, Margo" he smiled and gave me a little wave.  "What are you doing here?" I asked, which he responded with an awkward giggle and shoving his hands in his pockets. "I don't know what Harry told you but I don't want to talk about him. Especially not  right now" I waved my hand. 

He nod his head. "I just want to say that it wasn't cool of him to do that. You know, to sign those papers. From my personal opinion, you're a really nice person. You work hard for you family and you're strong. I hope you know that" he said. "It's none of your business, really" I replied, looking straight forward.

"I know, but" "Just leave me alone, please" I said, licking my lips. I don't want anyone's opinions right now. "Okay" he said before backing away and I roll up the window. I turn around to look at Thea. There's just one problem, there was no Thea.

My heart raced faster when I remembered that I left her with Harry. Oh my God, my baby! I quickly held the steering wheel and  as quickly as I could, I smashed on the pedals speeding home.

When I reached the lobby of my building, I dashed towards the stairs and climb my way up. I banged my fists on my door and calling Harry's name. "What the fuck?" I heard someone's voice. I froze in my place. Is there someone in there with Harry? Is there another woman there with Harry?

"Harry Edward Styles?! You better not tell me you have another woman in there!" I yelled. The doors swing open and to my surprise, a young lady with blonde hair and skimpy clothes, stood in front of me. Harry held her arm but he froze when his eyes met mine.

"You've got to be kidding me" I mutter. "Who are you? Why are you banging on my boyfriend's condominium door?" the girl asked as she folded her arms and puckered her lips. I rolled my eyes and walked pass her. She held my elbow and pulled me back. "I'd like my elbow back, please" I say as I push her hands away.

I walked pass them and into Thea's room, but she wasn't there. I looked inside our room and she's not there either. "Where's Thea?!" I turn to Harry. The colour from his face drained away as I inched closer to him. That's when I caught his eyes to the closet. I opened it and Thea was laying down on the carpeted floor with her blanket, sleeping.

My tears pile up in my eyes and when my knees touched the ground, I couldn't hold my sobs back. I realised at that moment, Harry doesn't give a fuck about Thea and I. He just cares about himself. "How could you?" I whisper to myself.

"Whose kid is that?" the woman appeared in the room. "Get out, Claudia. Leave us alone" Harry tried to push her out if the room but it was to no avail. "No tell me, who are them?" the woman insisted an answer. I get up on my legs and turn to them. "We're nobody to him" I said looking Harry straight in the eye.

I shook my head, turn around and bend down to pick Thea up. She hugged my neck automatically and rest her head on my shoulder. "I'll pick up my stuffs tomorrow" I said quietly but enough for Harry to hear me before I slip away through the halls and next out of the room. My heart breaks as every step I took, Harry didn't stopped me and tried to explain anything.

He lets us go just like that and nothing crushes my heart more than to think that Thea will grow up without a father. I feel so weak that as I get nearer to the front door, my legs felt wobbly and jelly like.

I feel like, at any second, I could fall and fall and never stop falling. Is this how heartbreak feels like?

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