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1st February 2017, 9.35am
Greenfield Condominium Centre, New York

I woke up that day early. It was Harry's birthday. My husband's birthday. I went over to Thea's room and she was still asleep, so I went straight to the kitchen. I walked over to the cabinets and pull out a box of pancake mixture. Chocolate, Harry's favourite. I wonder if I could put some poisonous chemicals into the mixture but that would be too much.

I started gathering all the ingredients, doing the batter, and finally cooking the pancakes. I place three on top of a nice plate, put a slice of butter and some syrup and chocolate around it. It looks delicious for a breakfast. Next, I start doing a mug of chocolate milk with whip cream and oreos on top. I place them on a tray and carefully carried it over to the bedroom.

I kicked the door open and slowly sang the birthday song. Harry woke up and the smile on his face was as wide as he could possibly do. I place the tray over his lap and I finished singing. "Aww, Thank you so much" he kissed my lips. I sat next to him and watch him eat, with him giving me a few bites.

After he was finished, I place the tray back into the sink and went over to Thea's room and she was already up. "Hey baby, it's your daddy's birthday today" I said and she giggled. She's growing big now.

I pick her up and bring her to our room where Harry was already out of the bed and on the phone with some client. I place Thea on the bed and played with her for awhile waiting for Harry to end the call.

"Hey baby" Harry said. I turned to him. "Yeah?" I asked. "You are looking at the new CEO of Styles View!" he smiled. My heart skipped a beat. This was it. He's going to leave me. It's been three years. He's the CEO now. He's going to leave me soon. "Whoa, what's with the long face?" he asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Congratulations! " I cheered. He came over to me and gave me a hug. Although tears were piling up in my eyes, I tried wiping them away but they won't bother. "Hey, hey. Why are you crying ?" he asked me and cupped my cheek. "I'm just so happy for you" I lied and chuckled.

"So it was true. Stephanie was saying the truth." I accidentally said out loud. I mentally face palm myself when Harry let go of me. "Wait what?" he furrowed his eyebrows. Might as well confess everything. "How did you know about Stephanie?" he asked me. I was speechless.

His chest rose up and down like he's angry. He doesn't have the right to be angry, I do. For all that matters, I was the one hurted in this relationship. He made an agreement that involves something pure and he was mad at me for it. "Answer me Margo" he sternly said. "Fine. I'll say it" I said.

"Stephanie Dollis, yeah your manager. She came a few months back and told me that our marriage is fake. You make agreements about it and you make agreements about Thea! I don't care if you don't wanna admit it but I got proof, and I'll show it to you" I said as I go over the bed and to the closet.

I opened it and go through the very back of it. I pull out a brown envelope and threw it on the floor. The papers flew out and one caught my eyes. It had my name on it. I pick it up. "Wait, what's this?" I asked myself. I read the document and my heart just breaks into a million pieces.

"Look, Margo. I'm sorry" Harry said. The document is about our marriage, he was going to divorce me after four years of marriage. It was all in that fucking paper. I fell on my knees, crying hysterically. "How fucking dare you do this to me?!" I yelled at him.

"You lied to me, you lied to Thea, you lied to yourself! "I yelled at him. "I can explain" he said. "So it's true. You were marrying me because you had to? You are so obsessed of being on the top, Harry! Why can't you just work hard? Why do you have to involve me in your sick work?! Why do you have to lie about having Thea?! Why of all humans, you choose me to break, and I'm saying this now Harry, you broke my heart. Crushed it into a million pieces. I don't care anymore, I just hate you so much. " I said again. He fell next to me and tried hugging me.

"I hate you! "I flinched away. "You lied to me. You lied to me" I shook my head and hug my knees. "Margo, just listen to me" he said. I turn my head to him, wanting him to deny everything I've heard. Wanting him to say that it's a lie and that he loves me. Wanting him to kiss me and tell me that it's all okay.

"I'm sorry I make that agreement" that's it. My heart just turns black. I don't wanna hear anymore. "I'm sorry. It was stupid of me. Please, one chance. Just one more chance" he beg. "Harry. This is so Harry" I shook my head and buried my face into my knees. "You're just a bad liar" I said.

"I don't trust you anymore " I said. I stood up and ran out of the room. He followed me and I stopped in the living room. "I'm leaving" I said as I took the car keys and dashed out of the living room. I went to the main door and unlock it, I ran out and quickly go to the elevator.

I was not wearing any shoes nor long pants. I was only in some t-shirt and shorts. I push the ground floor button before Harry even got a chance of chasing me. I sighed in relief as the door closed and Harry was left out.

Being on the fifth floor just saves much more time. I reached down in no time and ran out the building. I spot Harry's car and ran to it. I got in, start the engine and drove away. I look into the rear view and see Harry trying to chase me but he was too late.

I already was on the long road. I took a deep breath as I grip onto the steering wheel. My eyes widen as I realised I did something so stupid.

I left the love of my life behind when I promised I've never do that in my vows.

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