'Daddy-son' time (part 2)

Start from the beginning


Once we get back home Niall finishes his ice cream and as Liam predicted, was in desperate need of a bath. "Looks like bath time is early today Nialler"i said while he just giggled, as usual.

"You go pick out some bath toys from your box ok?" I instructed. Thats when i turned on the taps and added plenty of bubble bath because what kind of child wants a plain bath?

"I got my dwucky and my nemo and my bwoat" Niall exclaims waddling back into the bathroom with his arms full of toys. "I see you also lost your clothes" i laughed as he stood in front of me, his little body on full show. "Actually i took them off to speed things up a bit" Liam informed me. "Thanks li" i couldn't wipe the smile off of my face watching Niall just be Niall.

I let Liam give Niall his bath before my phone began to ring.

"Hello, my handsome husband"
"Lou! How are ya,love?"
"Im good yeah, amm,I'm just here in tesco's and i was wondering if we need anything at home"
"Ammm.. Some milk, Jaffa cakes for Niall and some lube"
"You dirty animal"
"Oh shut up Lou, you're the one who's horny"
"Trust me i know, my 'little lad' decided up pop up during few massages, had to try hide it"
"Ill sort you out when you get home don't worry"
"Ill hold you to it! Ill be back in about an hour, see you then , love you"
"Love you too sweetheart"

Wow that man was horny. My thoughts were interrupted by the squeals of my baby coming into my bedroom in My other baby's arms. "Excuse me Niall but you appear to have grown a big beard" i slag when i see bubbles surrounding Niall's face, like a lions mane. "No, dey jus bwubbwes!" He laughs.

I got Niall dressed and dried quickly so we could have time for one more quick activity before louis came back. "Now, darlin' we have time for one more thing, what would you like to do, huh?"
That concentrated look returned to his face, brows furrowed, eyes staring off into the distance and his chubby little hand on his cheek. "I know, we cwolour!" He declares.

We laid on our bellies on the floor in the living room, paper and crayons scattered out in front of us as we coloured and drew many, many pictures.

"Wook pwapa!" Niall exclaims holding up a sheet of paper, covered in multicoloured scribbles but you could make out four stick figures amongst the storm of scribbles. "Oh Niall this is very beautiful" i complimented as a grin hijacked his small face. "Dis me , and dis you and dis dahhy and dis li" i couldn't help but notice that louis appeared to have a rather large tummy in the picture.

"Niall, honey, why does daddy have a big tummy in the picture?" I asked "becwause he has one now" Niall explained. So he noticed louis bump then? Well i didn't expect that. I mean it isn't really that big yet.

Just then the front door opened and a familiar voice filled the house "hello? Anybody home?" Louis chided as he shut the door and walked into the living room. "DAHHY!!!" Niall squealed and literally charged at louis, hugging his legs when he got there.

"Hello sweetheart, did you have a nice day?" Louis asks picking him up and cuddling him close. "Yeah dahhy and i did you a pwicture!" His face was beaming with excitement and happiness, which makes me happy. "Oh, show me! I cant wait!" Louis smiled as Niall scrambled down and took his picture off the floor.

"Dats me and dat pwapa and dat you and dat li-li" Niall explained again and i saw louis smile fade a little. "Amm Niall, why do i have a big tummy?" Louis questioned eyebrows puckered a bit. "Becwause dahhy, wook at your tummy" Niall stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Louis looked over at me, anxiety and nervousness filling his features. "Why do you think daddy has a big tummy Niall?" I asked casually, trying to see how much Niall might know, which isn't much seen as he is only 1, nearly 2. "Mmm.. dahhi eatted all the sweeties!" Niall concluded and with that louis let out a sigh of relief. We don't want Niall to know just yet. It would be hard for him to understand at the moment and he doesn't really understand the concept of waiting for a few months.

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