The proposal

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It's my last one-shot on Come Home Someday so I'm going to fill it with romance to my heart's content. Don't expect it to be amazing, I'm very uninspired. I also wrote this very quickly so there are probably loads of typos.


Anne Shirley-Cuthbert picked up the pile of letters carefully tied up with string and placed them in her suitcase.
She was going home, to Green Gables, to become a bridesmaid for her dearest bosom friend. It was going to be a bittersweet moment for her, she'd finally have to realise that the happy and carefree days of her childhood had gone.
"Are you ready Anne?" Asked Cole, a good friend of hers, from outside where he was waiting with the horse and carriage.
"Yes." She said with a small smile as she left the house she'd been living in with her college friends for a few years. "Goodbye." She whispered.

The drive home was delightful. Cole made great company and the views were just as beautiful as always. All too soon they had arrived at Avonlea and parted ways, much to Anne's disappointment. But soon another smile graced her expression when Marilla Cuthbert ran to greet her with tears in her eyes.

"Anne!" Called someone from behind before basically throwing themselves at the redhead. Anne embraced the woman fondly and they both laughed at the sight of each other.

"I am getting married!" Diana squealed reverting back to her more childish self.

"I am going to wear a delightfuly beautiful dress!" Shrieked Anne with equal excitement that made Marilla sigh, her girl really hadn't changed while she was away. Deep down Mrs Cuthbert was glad.

"Come inside before your dinner goes cold, you too Diana. How you both habe so much energy at this time of the evening, I do not know. I bet you'll spend all night talking too."

Both girls giggled and rushed inside


The next morning both girls were too excited to eat so they rushed over to the Barry's house to get ready for the big event that was to happen later that evening.

First Anne did her friend's hair into a perfect bun with fake pearls scattered throughout it and helped her into her long white dress made out of the finest silk she had ever seen. There were no puffed sleeves or flowers like she had imagined when she was younger, but that made no difference because Diana looked beautiful.

"I am not sure I can do this, Anne." The bride whispered in a wave of nerves.

"Don't be silly. Fred will be quite unhappy if you don't turn up at your own wedding. Now, help me get ready and tell me what I'm supposed to do."

Diana did her friend's hair and helped her into her dress as she explained that Anne and Fred's best man would be the first to walk out, hand in hand, as the music played. They would make their way up to the front and stand next to Fred. Then, Diana and her father would make their way out and, when Di reached the front, Anne was to make sure that her dress and veil were straight.

The time arrived and the two girls walked down the stairs to where Mr Barry and the best man should be waiting. As they descended Anne recited Diana's instructions to herself under her breath but she suddenly stopped as she noticed the man standing next to her friend's father.

Gilbert Blythe, a name Anne Shirley-Cuthbert could never forget.

He looked truly handsome in a white shirt and a tie the exact same colour as Anne's green dress. He was nothing like the young boy who had left Avonlea, he was taller and more mature, and yet he was also exactly like she remembered with his wide smile and bright eyes that didn't leave her face.

There was no time to talk because at that exact moment the music started and the pair were rushed into the room, arm in arm and taking in each other's every movement. They were so absorbed in each other that they didn't notice Ruby Baynard say to her husband that "they would make such a good couple", nor did they see Rachel Lynde wink at Marilla. They even missed Josie begrudgingly telling Tillie that Anne "didn't look too bad".

They reached the front of the room and all eyes turned to where the happy bride was emerging, all nerves forgotten. All eyes except a pair of hazel ones which rested on the delightful sight right next to him.

Soon it was all over and Anne proudly hugged Diana and Fred Wright. Gilbert hung back and waited for Anne to finish with the couple so that they could talk. Finally she left the two lovebirds and turned to spot him waiting.

"Gilbert!" She said at the same time he said "Anne!"

"Gilbert!" She repeated with a smile that melted his heart and somehow gave him the feeling that he was finally home. "You came back."

"I promised someone that I'd come home someday. I also couldn't miss Fred's wedding, I've known him since I was five." He laughed warmly and he soon found himself recounting all his adventures just as easily as if he had been telling her his name. It was so easy for him to talk to her and he never wanted to stop.

"Anne?" he said after a brief silence between them.


"Every second I was away I was thinking of you. Everwhere I went I found myself searching for your face in the crowd, even when I knew you wouldn't be there."

Anne blushed violently and started fanning herself as if she was hot.

"The thing is, I never want to go through that again. I never want to be apart from you." He continued with courage.

"What are you saying?" Anne asked while her brain tried to keep up with Gilbert's words.

"I'm saying I want to marry you." Gilbert said so loudly that he caught everybody's attention, although he was too nervous to realise it.

Anne's eyes grew wide when she realised that she wanted to say yes. Could it be that she was in love with Gilbert Blythe? No, it was impossible.

And yet it was true.

"Okay." She said and Gilbert almost cried with happiness. Their lips were inches from meeting when a sudden squeal filled the room and the couple noticed everyone was watching. The squeal had come from Diana Wright who was jumoing up and down without caring that she was ruining her dress.

Anne took a step back but Gilbert wasn't going to let her get away so easy. He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him for a brief kiss which caused the entire room to burst into applause.

"Took them long enough." Muttered Josie Pye to Ruby with a noncomittal shrug and a betraying smile.


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