The ghost of Green Gables

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I can't help thinking about the way the season ended, I mean, there are THIEVES at Green Gables who HURT Jerry!

Anne and Marilla excitedly let in the second boarder. They fed them and generously showed them to their room.

"I shall leave you to get settled in and I'll bring you some supper in a bit" Marilla said kindly.

"Thank you, Ma'am" said the slightly shorter man with a grin. The other man was looking around with greedy eyes as he saw all the things they would steal that night.

The two men sat on their beds and looked around gleefully. Green Gables was all they had expected and more and the best part was that the people who lived there made it so easy!

"Anne! Take this to the guests, they'll be wanting some supper by now" Marilla told the tired girl.
Anne picked up the tray of food and took it to the two men.

"Would you care for some food?" She asked politely.

"Yes please!" They both answered "And we wouldn't mind some company either"

The grey eyes girl sat down groaning on the inside. She just wanted to go to bed!

"So, little girl..." said the chubbier man.
"Anne, with an e" she interrupted.

"Right. Anne with an e, tell me about Green Gables"

"It's lovely, the trees outside give it such character and now that Marilla has let me bring flowers inside it is simply stunning! I love how the house moves the slightest bit with the wind and how my window has a tree in front of it. I call it "Snow Queen", isn't that name beautiful?!"

The men couldn't believe they had got nothing useful out of that long speech, no mention of treasure or heirlooms or anything!

"What's your favourite object in the house?" The other man tried.

"It's hard to say, but probably the books because they contain so much knowledge and some of them are terribly romantic" she said with a sparkle in her eye as she most likely imagined herself in one of the many novels she had read.
The two men exchanged looks, one last attempt.

"Does anybody stay awake at night to look after the house? You see, I can never sleep knowing someone else is awake"

"Oh, well rest asure that no mortal thing wanders around at night, but I do like to imagine that the ghost of a young man wanders round Green Gables searching for his loved one. He appears at exactly midnight and disappears a few hours later after checking every nook and cranny, every sleeping form, for his beloved princess"

The two men felt a chill pass through their bodies at the mention of a ghost.

"But of course, that is just my imagination. There isn't really a ghost. I best go to bed now, goodnight!"
Anne left the two men.

"We best get a bit of rest, let's do it by shifts. Every hour we swap and at midnight, when we know everyone is fast asleep, we make our move"

"M-Midnight?" Said the other man.

"Yes. Midnight" answered the man, but actually he was just as scared as his friend.

Midnight finally came and the men light two candles, warily they started to fill two sacks with objects.

Gilbert Blythe smiled tiredly as he finally arrived at Avonlea. He was glad to see it and he couldn't wait to see everyone! It was past midnight and he was nearly home, he was just rounding the corner near to Green Gables.
Suddenly he halted.
There were two dim lights moving around the Cuthbert's house. He started to worry. He knew for a fact that the Cuthberts were long in bed by that time... unless something was wrong. What if Mr Cuthbert was ill again? What if Anne had had a terrible fall and was bleeding?!
The handsome boy dismounted his horse and rushed to the house, calling out "Hello?"

The two thieves were getting along nicely, they had found some things they were sure would be worth something. Their fear was starting to pass as they spent more and more time without having any otherworldly experiences. That was until, of course, they heard a voice.

"Hello?" Said a male voice, a voice they knew for a fact didn't belong to the one man that lived there.
The taller one, from the shock, accidently dropped a plate.
The men stood still, waiting to see if they had woken anybody up, but nothing stirred upstairs.

"I don't like this" the short one whispered "Did you hear the voice?"

The other one nodded with wide scared eyes. "Let's just fill these bags quickly and get out of here!"

Gilbert heard the sound of a plate breaking and he grew even more worried. He decided to enter the house.
In he went as he walked to where he had seen the lights, making sure to tread loudly so as to announce his presence to the Cuthberts.
Of course, the frightened thieves heard the footsteps and gulped from fear. There really was a ghost at Green Gables!
Gilbert opened a door and looked shock at what he could only just make out before him. Two men, carrying sacks that they were filling with all kind of things.

"What do you think you are doing?" He said firmly as he circled the room using the shadows to try and disguise how young he was.

"What do you think you are doing?" The men looked up and watched as a shadow circled the room, the ghost!
The men exchanged glances and put down the bags.

"N-Nothing... We-We didn't do anything to the princess... We'll j-just leave" and they both ran out of the house leaving everything behind, they grabbed their horse and rode far, far away. They were never going to return to Avonlea again.

Gilbert watched them run away confused but also relieved. Then he shouted.

"Mrs Cuthbert! Anne!"
Footsteps were heard above and two sleepy forms appeared. Gilbert smiled at how Anne looked beautiful even at that time in the morning.

"Gilbert?" She asked sleepily "what are you doing here?"

I hope you liked this! Ignore all spelling mistakes.

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