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"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are octobers"

Diana Barry laughed as Anne Shirley told her about Josie Pye falling into the small pond next to the school

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Diana Barry laughed as Anne Shirley told her about Josie Pye falling into the small pond next to the school. It had happened only moments before while Anne had been sitting on a log eating her lunch and Diana had gone to ask the teacher a question.

Anne's face was animated and her hands made wild gestures as she explained how the blonde girl had slipped while trying to reach her bottle which had rolled to the center of the pond. As Josie was extending her arm she had lost her footing on the wet rock and had fallen in with a loud splash!

Diana watched with admiration as her friend talked. She had no idea how Anne manged to tell stories so well. It was like she was born to do so. Like the very essence of storytelling was in every cell in the redhead's body.

"And that is how Josie Pye ended up going home early!" Concluded Anne with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Wouldn't it be a shame if I accidentally fell in too...?" She continued (with half a mind to actually throw herself into the water).

Diana giggled and held her best friend's arm tightly just in case the lively girl decided to take a leap in the cold pond.

At that moment Ruby Gillis, who had grown a considerable amount as well as her hair, walked up to them with a bounce in her step.

Anne observed the girl's dazzling smile and bright cheeks while her mouth dropped open in bewilderment. For the past few months Ruby had looked just like Anne had felt deep down inside... Sad and lonely without the presence of Gilbert, but all of a sudden the girl looked happy and almost... lovestruck.

"Hello Anne! Hello Di! How are you today?" She paused for a split second before continuing in a manner so unlike her usual self. "It's such a beautiful day! It's October you know? I love Octobers!"

Diana's mouth opened wide enough to fit an elephant and her eyes grew bigger by the second. Who was this girl and what had she done with Ruby Gillis?

Anne on the other hand was frowning, her eyes narrowed with confusion and suspicion. "Ruby, why are you so happy? And now that I think of it, why weren't you in class?" "Oh! I was with Gilbert, he came to see me to tell me he was back!" Ruby almost screamed, instantly getting the attention of all the surrounding girls who swamped her with questions.

Anne didn't move as the information processed in her head. Gilbert Blythe had returned and he had gone to see RUBY before going to see HER. Her face heated up and her hands balled into fists as she stood up and stiffly walked into the school. She grabbed her stuff and marched home, ignoring the sound of Diana calling after her.

Anne stomped into Green Gables muttering nonsensical words to herself, every now and then saying "Gilbert" or "Ruby". She climbed the stairs two at a time and slammed her bedroom door shut.

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