Will he ever return?

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I feel like writing something dramatic 😂 Enjoy!

I feel like writing something dramatic 😂 Enjoy!

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Ten years. That's how long had passed since the last time Anne had seen Gilbert.
Ten. Long. Years.
She still remembered clearly how she had waited and waited for him to return, for him to walk into the school with a grin on his face. She remembered how she had asked herself again and again, "Will he ever return?"
And now? Now he had returned to Avonlea.
Anne had heard the news from her good friend Josie who had been visited by the young man the day before. The redhead had been so amazed and confused when she had heard the news. Was it possible that he really had come back?
All day, she assisted Marilla with the chores, but let's just say it wasn't very successful.

"Anne Shirley! That's the third plate you've broken today! What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry Marilla, my mind is just somewhere else completely" Anne replied with a far off look.

Marilla resignedly accepted that Anne was having a bad day and it was most likely due to whatever important news Miss Pye had brought her.

Anne stopped working completely after she nearly broke an important item. She just couldn't concentrate thinking about Gilbert's handsome young face. She sat on a bench outside Green Gables and breathed in the lovely spring air.

"Good day!" Said a man passing by, the two of them only glancing at each other before he continued on his way.
1 step... 2...

"Anne?" The man said suddenly halting and turning to look at the pale face with large grey eyes and the slightly less red hair "Anne Shirley!"
She was still confused as to who the man was, but when she met his eyes, she realised.


She'd expected him to still look the same for some reason so she hadn't recognized him.
She stood up and rushed to him, impulsively pulling him into her thin arms.

He hadn't expected to see Anne ever again, he thought that by then she would be somewhere married to a rich and very handsome man who would give her all the things she could ever want. But there she was, her wiry arms surrounding his body and her freckled but more mature looking face pressed against his chest. At that moment he regretted- No, he wasn't even going to think about that, he was going to enjoy the company of his friend.

"I can't believe it's really you!" She said separating from his body and smiling at him. He had the urge to pull her warm body back against his, but no, he couldn't."And I can't believe you're still here at Green Gables! What happened to that dream about a castle in Spain?"

"I grew up and I realised that's not what I want" she said blushing.
She looked so stunningly beautiful that he had no words "I was close to getting it too, a handsome and rich man called Royal Gardner proposed, but I couldn't say yes..."

"Oh" was all Gilbert answered because he had just realised that he'd made the biggest mistake of his life.
"I- It was great seeing you again Anne, I'm moving into my old house again soon with-" he caughed awkwardly "I've got to go! Goodbye Anne Shirley"
Gilbert left before Anne could even say goodbye, never mind wonder why.

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