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By bubblegum

Billy grabbed onto Anne's hair and dragged her down to the river almost west of green gables.
His friends chatted and giggled close behind, almost as though Billy wasn't just attempting to do a horrible deed.

Anne shouted and fidgeted as they dragged her along, her red hair tugged from the roots. Her straw hat had flown along with the wind and her tears streaked her sorrowful face.

"What's wrong with you, idiot?!" Billy shouted at her. Anne flinched but she couldn't get away from him. His grasp was firm, her scalp felt like it was on fire. "Why did you go around spreading those rumours about me? First Prissy and then this?! You have nerves, I'll give that to ya." He smirked and his friends joined in on the laughter.

"Well then, I'm sure we can all wholeheartedly agree that you deserve what's comin for ya. Ain't that right, boys?" He nodded towards the band of school Boyd trailing behind him.
They all gave him nods of approval and Billy's stride towards the river got more confident and bold.

"It's a little harsh, guys..." Moody murmured. He was forced to come along but he didn't really want to be involved in this. He was just a little afraid of voicing his opinion to Billy and for good reason, of course.

"Scram, Moody. We don't need sissies tagging along." Billy scowled.


One of the more burly boys shoved Moody aside. Moody fell into a haystack amongst the little pink pigs near the riverbed.

"Ha! Stay where you belong, sucker!" Billy said. He snorted and moved along, applying more force on Anne's hair.
Anne let out a feeble yelp. Tears filled her eyes.

'How did I get into this situation?' She thought. "I don't want to point fingers, but we all know it was Josie who spread that rumour around, not me!" Anne felt desperate. She really wanted to get out of Billy's clutches.

"Do you really think anyone has the luxury to believe you, Anne?" Billy snorted in her face. "You started the rumour about Prissy so why can't you do this? You're more than capable!"

Anne almost felt defeated. Never in all her days at Avonlea had she heard Billy say something that genuinely made sense. She went limp as he went on dragging her along the lily strewn pathway.

At last, the dreaded moment arrived. Billy hoisted Anne up over the stagnant river and Anne couldn't help but let out a short scream. After all, it was only expected. She was about to be thrown in to a river for something she hadn't done.
Problem was, Billy and co. Thought that this was rather harmless a prank. Anne would get wet and she would pop out of the water fuming.

There was, of course, one thing wrong with the calculations. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert couldn't swim.

With a stifled laugh, Billy let and go and down she went, into the river with a splash like a heavy boulder sinking.

Anne let out a stifled scream in the water. She waved her arms in a frenzy, trying to reach the surface but her efforts were in vain. Down and deep she went into the river, her breath escaping her in short gasps as she reached up helplessly, hoping for something to hold on to her or rather, some one.

'This is no fairy tale. Nobody can save me. This kind of a death is hardly even romantic.' She thought as she choked and gasp and fought until her very last breath.

Her eyes slowly closed, her arms relaxing.

She stopped breathing...

And started again.
Air rushed into her lungs and she coughed out the wretched water that was lodged in her throat.
Splurging, she sat up and gazed into the eyes of her saviour, kneeling beside her.

Squinting, she uttered with disbelief, "Gilbert?"
"Oh, I must be dead," she ranted. "Gilbert is far off. Tell me strange creature. Where is it that I am?"

Gilbert let out a strangled laugh of relief. "Anne!"
He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "It's really you..." She muttered.

"Billy played a horrible prank on you. Oh Anne! He should've known that you couldn't swim..." Gilbert said miserably. "He really is horrible. Thank god I was just passing by. I was going to see you, actually. Talk to you and surprise you with the fact that I've come back. Guess I can't do that now, can I?" He asked.

"Oh, you surprised me, alright," Anne smiled weakly. "You're my saviour, Gilbert. Without you, I probably wouldn't have lived."

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