He came back

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Anne, Jerry and Diana were all out in the forest playing and laughing.
It had been perhaps two months since Gilbert had left Avonlea and everyone was aware it wasn't the same.
Every day, Anne would walk to the graveyard and place some flowers on Mr Blythe's grave because Gilbert could not.

"Anne! Let's play Romeo and Juliet!" Cried Diana.
"No! Let's play Hamlet!" Exclaimed Jerry who wanted his first and probably last time playing to be fun.
"How about we play the Trojan War? It's so romantic with Helen and Paris being in love... but tragically she is already married..." Anne said, taking charge of the situation "I'll be Helen although I supppose I'm not beautiful enough, Diana can be Paris and Jerry, you can be Menelaus!"
Jerry and Diana looked at each other, not at all pleased.
"Why can't I be Helen?" Diana asked.
"Because you are simply not poetic enough, Di. Plus, you get all the fighting scenes!"
Diana nodded and the game commenced. Soon 'Helen' and 'Paris' were running through the forrest away from 'Menelaus'.
Anne ran and she ran until she tripped on a route and plummeted to the ground with an "Oof!"
She tried to stand up, but as soon as she leant on her left foot, she screamed and fell back down to the floor.
She called out for Diana, but she was nowhere to be seen... she had probably stopped running a lot before Anne.
She was stuck in the forest and it was getting dark, she could only imagine what kind of things were lurking just outside her range of vision...
She sat there crying and wondering if Jerry or Diana were still looking for her or of they had gone for help. She wondered if they thought she had returned to Green Gables and abandoned them.
She was cold and damp from the leafy floor, her ankle throbbed with pain and her nose was running from the pollen. But most importantly, she was scared that some massive creature with fangs was going to appear and eat her.
She started to cry, just waiting for the creature to arrive and for her life to end. What would Marilla think when she found her skeketon covered in teeth marks? Would Matthew fall ill again from sadness? How many people would turn up to her funeral? Would they know that she wanted to be buried in a casket full of beautiful flowers? Would Diana cry?
All of a sudden she felt something touch a shoulder and she let out a piercing scream as she braced for the pain sure to come.
"Anne Shirley?" She heard someone say in a familiar voice that she couldn't quite place in her state of mind "Anne? Are you okay? What are you doing?"
The small girl slowly turned and felt her heart go thump as she saw who it was.
"Gilbert!" She exclaimed as she tried to stand up, her ankle completely forgotten. She threw her arms around the handsome boy and hugged him.
He laughed a warm laugh and let go of her.
Suddenly she remembered the pain and winced as she realised she was putting weight on her foot.
Gilbert steadied her stumbling form and brought her back down to the ground.
"You're hurt!" He said while he examined her ankle "I think you have broken your ankle Anne... how did this happen?"
She explained the story and he nodded.
"Let's get you back to Green Gables" he said whilst picking her up into a carrying position "Everything will be just fine"

It's short, but I noticed we hadn't updated in a while so I thought it was probably better than nothing!!!!!
The second season of AnnE has been confirmed (YAY!), so soon we will know how her and Gil meet again... What will we do then?! 😯

-theunicornthequeen ❤❤❤

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