The Arms

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Alex had been away for over a month. During this time Perrie was placed on bed rest as she was now around 38 weeks pregnant. He slowly walked up to their shared bedroom completely exhausted. It was past three in the morning and he wanted nothing more that to cuddle with his fiancé.

As he slipped into the bed she sleepily smiled at him. His hand moved to gently rest along her now large stomach as he gently connected their lips. He felt a kick along his hand before she groaned. He looked at her confused.

"She won't let me sleep." She sighed before burying her face in his neck. He brushed his lips against her temple.

"I'm sorry baba." He said softly. She simply nodded before sleep quickly took her. He followed soon after his hand protectively resting along her stomach.

Perrie woke up to searing pain across her body. Her fingers grasped into his shirt as her knuckles turned white. Once she had gained a small amount of composure she shook him. He just about bolted awake.

"What's wrong love?" He said while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"The baby's coming." Confusion crossed his face before it hit him.

An hour later they were back home. She was not having real contractions just fake ones. She huffed as she sat on the couch. He flopped down next to her his head hitting the back of the couch as his eyes closed.

"I just want this to be over." She said as a tear slipped down her cheek. His eyes met hers as he wiped the droplet from her face.

"I'm sorry Pezza." He said cautiously. She sighed before nuzzling her head into him.

"How was your trip?" She asked trying to distract herself.

"Honestly I feel like everything would have been the same if I was or was not there." She chuckled lightly. "I told you I should have just stayed." She shook her head.

"No you needed to go and not sit here with me all day." He shook his head.

"All I wanted was to be here love. Not halfway across the world worried about you." She connected their lips gently. They danced in a slow passion before they heard the door open. Debbie was standing in the door food filling her arms. The girls were close behind her.

"I have them. You shouldn't have been worried." He once again shook his head before she helped her up and to the table where Debbie had set out food. "Thank you Mum." She said once she sat in the chair.

A week later Perrie was still huge. She buried her face into Alex as tears flowed. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear before she felt it. A sharp pain even worse than the one she felt before.

Before she even knew what he was doing he scooped her up and took her to the car. By the time they had gotten to the doctor her contractions were ripping through her. The second she stood her water broke. They quickly rushed her into the hospital.

Alex was by her side as she gave birth to their baby girl. It was only after the doctors left that Perrie realized something.

"We didn't tell anyone." She whispered as her eyes were trained on the infant in her arms. His eyes went wide before he dug into his pocket and texted Leigh before calling Debbie and Wendy. Once he hung his phone up he moved onto the bed next to Perrie. His fingers gently brushing the sleeping infants cheek.

"She looks just like you." He said in awe. When she tried to hand her to him he stopped her.

"Hold your daughter you idiot." Jade said with a laugh. Gently the infant was shifted from the blondes arms to his. The baby looked up at him for the first time. She was an exact replica to Perrie eyes included. "She's gorgeous." The brunette said softly.

When the blondes head hit his shoulder she was asleep. Wendy was the next to slip into the room with Debbie closely behind her. Alex didn't even have a chance to protest before the baby was taken from his arms. Debbie was now cradling her as Wendy and the blonde both fawned over their granddaughter.

Alex's head gently leaned against Perrie's as Jesy and Leigh came in. When Jade was passed the baby the two quickly moved around her in awe at the little one in front of them. Leigh turned towards Alex to ask him a question. He however was sound asleep lightly snoring. She however asked the question to the room.

"Does anyone know what her name is?"

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