The Steps

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Alex flopped onto the bed. They had just gotten back from explaining their situation to everyone. Surprisingly it had gone over well with no backlash from anyone. Perrie came in her hand running along his back as she laid next to him. When he turned he smiled at her.

"I love you." She said as her nose buried into his chest. A smile lit up his face before he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too baba." He said softly as he protectively wrapped his arms around her. "That went surprisingly well." He said into her hair. The blonde nodded. This was the first time they had alone time in over a week.

"I missed this." She said quietly. He chuckled lightly as his fingertips ran down her spine.

"So did I love." He said softly before they heard the front door open. Both of them groaned knowing exactly who it was. Before they could even move they heard a knock at the door. Jade's pale face came into view. When Alex nudged Perrie she turned towards the door. Her arms immediately opened for her best friend who shook her head.

"It's Matt and Jesy." The pair bolted up. Perrie quickly moved to her friend while he carefully pushed past the two. Leigh stopped him as he tried to exit.

"They were in a car accident. Running out of the house isn't going to solve that." He nodded before pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I just thought.." She nodded into his chest stopping his words. When a sob broke through the darker skinned girls lips he held her tighter. "It'll be alright." He said not only trying to convince himself but convince her.

"Well aren't you two cute. You better not be trying to steal him Leigh." The blonde said as Leigh turned towards her. When Alex's phone rang he stepped out.

"What the fuck man?" His best friend groaned out a laugh. "You alright?" Matt hummed a response.

"Just bring the girls to the palace." Alex looked over at the three girls.

"Will do." He said before Matt hung up the phone. When he grabbed his keys the girls looked at him hesitantly. "Come on. I know where they are."

Once they got to the palace there was a guard waiting to escort them. Perrie gently stopped Alex knowing he would know the way.

"Are you alright love?" He shook his head as his arms wrapped around her. She kissed his temple as his head rest along her shoulder. "He's like a brother to you?" He nodded. "I completely understand. I mean Jesy is like your version of Matt to me." Alex chuckled lightly before connecting their lips.

"Come on Love. Let's go see them." He said softly once he pulled away. She hesitantly nodded before he gently took her hand placing a kiss on the back of it. "Everything will be alright love." She nodded as he guided her to the hospital wing. "Where's Matt?" Alex asked the room. Jesy pointed next door before Perrie engulfed her in a gentle yet tight hug.

"You owe me a new fucking car." Matt said once the other man entered the room. "That piece of shit that you gave me is better off totaled." Alex started to laugh.

"That's the only thing you think of? Not the fact that your girlfriend is in the other room?" Matt took the pillow behind him throwing it at Alex who dodged it causing it to hit Perrie in the face.

"What the hell!" She said before slapping Alex in the shoulder. The two boys couldn't help but laugh. They only stopped when Matt grabbed his ribs groaning in pain. Alex arm gently wrapped around her his hand resting on her side before he kissed the top of her head.

"Blame him. His stupid car is the reason we were in the accident in the first place." Alex scoffed at Matt's words.

"It's not my fault you don't know how to take care of a car." Matt glared at him. "Oh shut it. You can pick whatever car you want this time." When a smile crossed his lips Alex groaned. "Just know it has to go through my mum first." As if on case the Queen walked in her hand connecting with the back of her sons head.

"I told you that car was a death trap." She said before going over to Matt. "How are you son?" Wendy asked softly before he shrugged. "Well I get him out of here so he can't do any more damage and you can get some rest." Matt nodded before everyone was ushered out. As they moved into the hallway Jesy moved into Matt's room. As the door closed they all saw her curl into his larger body. "You will take him and get him whatever car he desires." Alex nodded as his mother's tone turned serious.

Once the four were back at Perrie and Alex's they all moved to the living room. Jade and Leigh on the couch while Perrie and Alex opted for the recliner.

"So what was that all about with your mum and Matt?" Alex chuckled at Leigh's words.

"I gave him one of my old cars that had seen better days. He said he was going to fix it but never got the time. I'm going to assume the breaks blew on the car which is more than likely what caused the accident." The girls nodded at him before Perrie's head nuzzled into his chest.

"So have yous thought about names?" Jade asked excitedly. The two shook their heads. "Well you're boring." They both chuckled.

"More like we haven't seen each other in over a week Jadey." Perrie said with a smile. "That and it's still pretty early to be doing that." Jesy piped in from the doorway Matt closely behind her.

"It's never to early for that Pez."

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