The Car

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Perrie moved in her sleep trying to find Alex by failing. Hatchi had taken his space. She murmured something incoherent. When she felt a large hand rub down her side she sighed. Immediately she recognized his scent and gentle touch.

She moved back against him. His arms enclosed her slowly.

"As much as I want to stay here and cuddle with you all day the girls sent me here to wake you." Perrie groaned in discontent.

"No and you better not leave." He chuckled lightly before kissing her shoulder.

"They said they'd be come in five minutes if you weren't up." She groaned and turned in his grasp. She grabbed his collar and greedily connected their lips. He groaned quickly pulling away.

"I'm sorry I forgot." She said softly. He shook his head.

"It's alright Pez." She smiled at him. "Yes. I called you Pez. No it's not a big deal. Now let's get up before they try to kill me." He said before slowly sitting up. She groaned before doing the same. "Good morning." He said softly. She smiled before she brushed her lips over his.

"Morning baba." It was his turn to smile. "Yes I called you baba. Just like I have many times before. Don't overthink it. Now get up or you won't be able to stop them." He chuckled lightly before she shakily stood up. She watched him cautiously.

As he teetered she caught him by his sides. He winced before groaning in pain. Before he could stop her she pulled his shirt up revealing his badly bruised abdomen. It was almost black from the bruises.

"I don't care what you say we are going to the hospital." He sat down on the bed a long sigh coming from him. She tilted his head up. "You don't have to tell them that it was him. Just say you don't remember. The alcohol on your breath will make them believe you." He looked at her confused.

"How do you know that?" She shook her head.

"It's a story for another time." He nodded in understanding. Twenty minutes later they were out the door heading to the hospital. Two hours later he was released and given strong pain killers.

Alex looked at Perrie confused as she went the opposite way of their places.

"Where are we going?" She gently took his hand.

"Trust me?" Without a moment of hesitation he nodded.

"Of course I do." She smiled at him.

"Then go to sleep and let me take you away from all this madness." He nodded before his eyes closed. Perrie grabbed a bag from the back as they stopped at a light. She dropped it on his lap. He chuckled when he looked into it.

It had one of his large sweatshirts that Perrie had been wearing the majority of the past week. It also contained a blanket and a pillow.

"Just thought I would make you a little more comfortable." She said quietly. Not only had she asked the girls for this but she had them pack a bag full of his and her clothing. Hatchi was also sleeping in his bed in the back seat so everything was covered.

Alex pulled the sweatshirt over his head before unrolling the blanket along the length of his body. When the pillow was tucked behind his head and he leaned back he turned to look at her. She caught him out of the corner of her eye.

"Thank you." He said softly. She gently squeezed the hand she had taken.

"Of course Alex. Get some rest." He nodded before he brought her hand to his lips. She smiled as she drove down the motorway. He drifted to sleep in minutes as she sang along to the radio.

Three hours later they had finally reached their destination. When Perrie woke Alex up he looked at her confused. She chuckled lightly.

"Why did you let me sleep for so long? You should have let me drive." She shut him up by gently kissing him.

"It's alright love. It was a peaceful ride and you needed some rest." He shook his head at her words before he looked around.

AN- In case you want to look at the place.

"I thought we both could use a getaway." She said softly. He smiled at her before he opened the door. She did the same. As she got Hatchi he moved towards her. Before she even realized his arms wound tightly around her.

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek.

"Any time Alex." She replied softly. Once their bags were inside he lit the log burner. Perrie flopped on the couch before he sat next to her. His arm moved carefully around her as the heat from the fire moved to warm them.

"This is perfect." He said quietly causing her to quietly agree. "Right now I couldn't imagine being in this same position with anyone else." Alex said honestly. Perrie looked up at him trying to judge the truthfulness of his words.

When he turned to look at her she took it as a opportunity to connect their lips. Their lips danced slowly before Alex practically begged for entrance. She allowed before gently biting his lower lip.

He moaned at her actions. A smirk crossed her face before he moved his hands to her hips. When he pulled her into his lap she pulled away looking into his eyes. Her fingers came to rest tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. His fingertips gently moved beneath her shirt but unmoving from their spot.

They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. No words were needed just the small movements of their fingers. She leaned forward her nose brushing against his. One of his hands moved to brush a piece of stray hair behind her ear.

"I'm glad I bumped into you that day." Perrie stated. Alex didn't even need to search her eyes to know it was true. His hands moved beneath her thighs before he stood up. She looked at him concerned. "You shouldn't be lifting me." She scolded him. He rolled his eyes.

"I just want to cuddle with you. Leave me alone love." She sighed as she was placed on the bed. Hatchi quickly jumped up laying on the side of Perrie, Alex was not on. As Alex moved to lay next to her she curled into him.

"Just to let you know me mam is coming tomorrow with food." Alex chuckled lightly before he kissed her forehead. He replied to her comment softly.

"I can't wait."

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