The Floor

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Alex sat in front of Perrie as she and Caitlin sat on the couch. His head was in the older blondes lap as he watched the conversation.

"So whats up Cait?" Perrie asked her younger sister. The other woman shook her head.

"Nothing really I just wanted to get some time with you Pezza. I may have also wanted to meet your lovely boyfriend." Perrie and Alex both turned red. She ran her fingers through his hair gently. "Also I saw dad and wanted to warn you that he's going to surprise you. Him and Jonnie." She looked down at Alex. His eyes were now wide. "Relax they're harmless. Just wanted to warn you both so you weren't caught off guard by them. Also so they don't catch you two like I did." Again Caitlin turned both of them bright red.

"Any idea when they are coming?" Perrie pleaded with her.

"Either tomorrow or the next day. So I'd stay here or they will go nuts looking for you." Caitlin said causing both of the blondes to start laughing. Alex relaxed against Perrie as the two blondes caught up on all they had missed. Her fingers were absentmindedly moving through his hair. "He's asleep." The younger blonde said with a small chuckle.

"He does that a lot." Perrie said as she looked down at him. He was indeed asleep. His lips were slightly open, his breathing even as his head rest against her legs.

"So what were you two doing when I interrupted you?" She flushed a shade of pink.

"We were coming back from our first date." Caitlin raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I thought you two had know each other longer than that." The older blonde nodded before responding.

"We have. Just with our schedules we haven't been able to go on a true date." Caitlin smiled at her. She nudged her sister gently.

"You know there's something good about him Pez. He's going to treat you right." Perrie smiled and nodded at the younger woman's words.

"I know and there's no way I'm letting him go." They both smiled before they both in sync yawned. "Let's go to bed." Perrie said before Caitlin nodded at her. As the younger blonde went into the guest room Perrie leaned down to whisper in Alex's ear. "Come on baba." He groaned lightly as she slipped from behind him. Slowly he got up and followed her to her room. He stripped out of his dress clothes only to have Perrie throw a pair of his joggers at his half asleep form.

"Caitlin still here?" He mumbled. She nodded before he slipped the pants on. He moved closer to her his lips connecting with hers for a moment. His fingers carefully finding the zipper to her dress pulling it down. She smiled at his action a small kiss acting like a thank you.

He turned around as she slipped into the bathroom to change. By the time she came out in one of his large sweatshirts his face was buried in her pillow. His even breathing signifying he was asleep.

"How do you fall asleep so quickly?" She asked waking him up in the process. He released her pillow before replacing it with her. His cold nose pressing against the crook of her neck.

"Because love when I'm with you I'm relaxed. I've never fallen asleep as quick as I have since I met you." She smiled at his words before kissing his temple. She knew he spoke the truth as it was the same for her. As her arms wrapped around his neck he nuzzled into her. His arms winding around her waist. Her next words came only when she knew he was completely asleep.

"I love you."

Perrie woke up to Alex running his fingers gently along her spine. She looked up at him to question his action.

"I didn't want to get out of bed love." He said with a smile causing her to laugh. As he leaned against the headboard her head shifted to rest along his thigh.

"Is Caitlin up?" She asked as her fingers trailed along his leg.

"Not that I've heard. But it doesn't mean that she didn't get up before me." Perrie nodded before sitting up. Once up he scooped her up and moved her giggling form into his lap. His lips meeting hers. "Good morning baba." He said softly once their lips were apart. She smiled her hand cupping his cheeks.

"Good morning love." She said as her thumbs strayed along his cheeks. Though he hadn't heard her words last night, he felt her love through her actions. His arms wound around her waist as her fingers strayed through his hair. When his head moved to rest on she stopped her movements. He groaned lightly in protest. "We don't need you falling asleep again baba." He nodded before his lips met her neck. A small smirk arose on his face.

"Red suits you." He said with a chuckle. She turned red before pushing him away.

"You know you have a couple matching ones right?" He shrugged with a smirk.

"I don't mind one bit Pez." He said with a wink. She scoffed before she started to giggle. Her face burying in his chest as he slowly stood up. She was held by his strong arms as he walked to her kitchen. He set her on the counter before they were surprised by Caitlin coming through the door.

"Hope you don't mind I got food." She said cheerfully. Both of their stomachs sounded.

"Thank you." The pair said in unison. When they all moved to Perrie's table to eat he turned slightly red realizing that he had no shirt on. The blonde nudged his shin before shaking her head. After they ate Alex and Perrie slipped away to change their clothes.

When they came out there was a knock at the door.

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