His Bed

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By the time Alex came back the girls were on their third movie practically falling asleep. He came in with the help of Matt. All four girls rolled their eyes thinking he was drunk. It was only until they saw his face they knew that wasn't the case.

Perrie immediately ran towards him. Matt set him down on a kitchen chair before he went to get the first aid kit. Not only was he Alex's security guard but he was his best friend and a former nurse. Hired by Alex for one purpose. Help him when his dad beat the shit out of him.

"What the hell happened?" The blonde asked as she cupped Alex's face. He shook his head.

"This isn't nothing." Leigh said stating the obvious. "We're not the type of people to go bragging about things we heard. Just please tell us so we can help you." She said sincerely.

"My father." He said before groaning trying to catch his breath.

"Why?" Perrie asked softly as she inspected his injuries.

"Because he's a drunk bastard." Alex practically spat out. "The man can't keep a drink out of his hand. Then when he's finally drunk he thinks it reasonable to use me like a fucking punching bag." The girls stood there shocked before Matt came back interrupting the conversation.

Once Alex was bandaged up he slowly made his way to the couch just wanting to forget about what had happened. Perrie hesitantly sat down next to him as the girls moved back in to their previous spots. As his arm wrapped around her she relaxed.

"Please don't treat me like I'm broken." Alex said hesitantly. She looked up at him her eyes meeting his.

"I should have some smart comment about you having broken bones but I can't come up with any right now." He chuckled lightly a small smile on his face. Matt came out of the bar with a few bottles alcohol in his hands. "Oh thank god." Perrie muttered causing Alex to start laughing.

"I was hoping I wasn't the only one that wanted some." He said as he set the bottles down. Jesy got up to help him with the cups for everyone.

"Is he..?" Perrie trailed off while staring at The kitchen.

"Single? Yes." Alex said quietly. "And a girl like Jesy would probably do him some good."

"So Jesy is his type?" He nodded at the blondes words. "And he's hers." Alex chuckled lightly before Leigh butted in.

"We have to get them together." Alex and Perrie nodded. Jade though about it for a moment before agreeing. When Jesy and Matt came back they dropped the glasses and filled one for everyone.

"To forgetting about tonight." Alex said before everyone agreed and downed their large shots. Less than an hour later they were all asleep from the alcohol and lack of sleep.

Alex woke up with a thud. Everything was hurting. From his head to his toes was pain. He moved from the couch before slowly moving to his room. He finally curled into the softness of his bed. A few moments later Perrie's small dog Hatchi jumped on the bed and cuddled into his form.

Perrie woke up from the sudden lack of warmth. When she didn't see Alex she went to investigate. Finding him on his bed she slowly sunk down next to him.

"He really does like you." She said softly once Alex's eyes opened. He tried to smile but couldn't hold it for long. "What's wrong?" She asked now fully awake.

"It's nothing." He said as his head fell back to the pillow. She sat up and hit his arm lightly. A loud groan came from him.

"Tell me what's wrong Alex." She said firmly. His eyes closed as a deep breath escaped his lips.

"I'm just in pain Pez." He said. She couldn't help but smile at the nickname he used for the first time.

"Why won't you go to the hospital then baba?" She asked while carefully taking his hand.

"It all goes back to him." He said before taking a short breath in. "If I even think about mentioning that he did this he'd throw me out of England." Perrie sighed before moving to lay next to him.

Her head rest on the pillow next to his, her hand intertwined with his.

"Couldn't you try to go to your mam?" He shook his head.

"I have and she's tried, but he abuses her to 'keep her inline' it's sickening." He said quietly. Perrie sat there listening. Knowing that he needed to let go of all he was holding in. "He was so nice when I was a kid. The second he realized alcohol could take him away from his mind he never stopped. Then something snapped one day while he was drinking. Beat the living shit out of me then turned on mum. Didn't understand it then and to this day I still don't." He said before turning on his stomach burying his head in his pillow.

She laid there in awe. Her fingers ghosted along the length of her spine. She was trying to find the words to express how she was feeling but she simply couldn't. Perrie moved Hatchi from next to him before she moved laying carefully on half of him. Her arm wrapped tightly around Alex's waist.

Her lips met his shoulder gently. The words slowly came to her as they sat in silence.

"I don't know how you do it." She began quietly. "How you're brave enough to even share that. How you're brave enough to still be around him. How you're brave enough to be as amazing as a person as you are." When he looked at her she stopped.

"Why are you so perfect?" Alex asked quietly. A tear slipped down her face. He turned and gently pulled her into him. His lips met and stayed on the top of her head. She cuddled into him her nose nuzzled against his chest.

"I'm far from it love." He shook his head before she stopped him. "One day I'll be ready to explain to you why. But right now you just have to trust me. I'm no where near perfect." He nodded carefully. As they became speechless they both began to doze. Perrie was the first to fall asleep. Alex kissed the top of her head before speaking.

"No matter what. You will always be perfect to me."

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