Kidnapping The Prince (Part 2)

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"I refuse to eat that!"

Gene let out a long, exasperated sigh as his grip on the spoon tightened. He had been generous enough to make Zane some breakfast, and what did he get? A whiny, spoiled brat and his complaints!

"Why? Is commoners' food too low class for you?" Gene demanded, glaring at the prince.

"No! I HATE porridge!" Zane snapped, spitting at him.

"You will eat this or may Irene have mercy!" He hissed, coming to his final straw.

"I refuse!" He huffed, crossing his arms.

"Fine then. Starve." Gene shrugged, throwing the bowl of porridge to the side.

Zane stared at the mess on the floor, cringing at the unclean area of the floor. He seemed to be realizing just how cruel Gene could be, and Gene was glad. Finally, the little brat would learn something.

Gene had learned a few things as well from this brat. One of them being that Zane wasn't the innocent angel everyone projected him as.

"Too skinny, too curved at the hips, too emo," Gene named off all the things wrong with Zane, circling around him. "Too whiny, too spoiled, too bratty, too full of yourself!"

He circled around the prince, jabbing at his sides and stomach, before he paused behind him. He smirked as the prince's rear end caught his attention. In one swift movement, the slapping sound echoed off the stone walls.

"H-HEY!" Zane cried, whirling around and slapping him across the face.

"Ooh, nice and fiesty~." Gene grinned, rubbing his cheek where he had been slapped. "Just the way I like my pets~."

"I may be your prisoner, but I'm not your pet!" He hissed, crossing his arms.

"Oh we'll see about that, ZuZu." He smirked, using Zane's baby nickname.

"Only my family knows about that nickname..." He gasped, his eye widening. "How long have you been targeting me?"

"That is for me to know only." He chuckled, cuffing Zane to the wall before leaving.

He went into his room, grabbing a pair of black sunglasses. He then left the building, which he had spent years making strictly for this mission, and got onto his horse. He would go and check up on the nearby town, and see how the kingdom was handling the disappearance of their precious prince.


"Hello, sir." A purple haired Meif'wa greeted him as he entered the inm.

"Oh, hey, Michi." Gene greeted, looking at the news fliers. "Any word on the prince?"

"No. Then again, we aren't really worried." Michi answered, shrugging. "The prince probably ran off to another tropical island of some kind."

"I think we, as in the prince and I, would be great buddies." He said out of nowhere, making Michi look at him strangely.

"Er... now that's a bit.." She started, her tail flicking.

"I take it you disagree?" He asked, acting disappointed.

"What you said was a bit--" Michi started, clear rage visible.

"Stalkerish?" He guessed, and the rage in her eyes decreased greatly.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I heard he had been getting a lot of stalkers, sometimes princes from other kingdoms, and, of course, lowlife creeps who have nothing."

"How's the king and queen handling this?" He asked. "I haven't been around town enough, judging from your face."

"Clearly." She agreed with a nod. "Queen Zianna hasn't been seen outside of her chambers ever since they found out the prince was missing, and King Garte has been going about things normally. Prince Garroth has been seen less and less in the public, probably just as sad as his father feels."

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