A Pretty Doll

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No clue what I was trying to do. I just wanted to write more good father Garte. Also, how come in almost every Zane story I have read, Aphmau is a complete bitch who either ditches Zane for being emo or uses him for her own gain? Idk it might just be me, but it really ticks me off, because Aphmau is actually such a good character. Like this isn't even in books of AUs, it goes off the canon where Zane has no friends or life.

Zane: HEY!

It's true. But it's okay, you're just like me.

Garte: *breaks down wall* WHO WAS TALKING SHIT ABOUT MY SON!?

*points at Gene* Him. He's the culprit.

"Aw, look at the little cutie~!"

Gene smirked as his friend Aphmau ran past him, heading for the male that was sitting on the couch. The male nearly jumped to the ceiling when he saw her run at him like that, but Aphmau hugged him tightly before he could do so. To be honest, Gene didn't like anyone being that close to his pet, but he would let this one slide. He knew Aphmau couldn't help herself when she saw cute things. He didn't have a reason to worry, though. Even if Aphmau did like cute things, especially hybrids, she was already married to a Werewolf.

"M-Master, welcome h-home..!" Zane greeted, slightly shaking.

"Were you good while I was gone?" Gene asked him, hanging his coat up. "Did you get in the trash again?"

"N-No, M-Master!" He answered, shaking his head.

"Meif'was only go in the trash if they're strays or not being fed." Aphmau stated, sitting down next to Zane. "Has he been feeding you?"

"Last night he gave me actual cat food, BLECH!" He gagged, crossing his arms and tossing his head.

"GENE!" She scolded. "You can't give him cat food! Meif'was aren't cats!! It's like giving animal food to a human, it doesn't get processed!!"

"I made him an actual dinner, and he wouldn't eat it, so that was his punishment!" Gene argued, giving Zane a glare.

"Did you try to feed him something sweet?" She asked, handing Zane a cookie.

"I'm not filling him up on sugar." He stated, watching as Zane hesitantly ate the cookie. "Did you really have to give him a sugar cookie?"

"Would you have preferred chocolate?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Oatmeal raisin." He grinned, giving a pair of fingerguns.

"No, Gene. Just no." She sighed, shaking her head. "Isn't Garroth coming over?"

"Oh riiiight! I almost forgot." He said, before picking Zane up. "Come on, Kitty. I'm not having you wear your pajamas all day."

"But Master..." Zane began to whine, before shushing as Gene pulled his tail.

"But nothing. I don't want to waste time on Garroth's rules." He muttered, closing the door as he entered Zane's room.

He sat Zane down on his bed, going over to the dresser to look for a new change of clothes. He always bought Zane clothes that were either super cute or revealing, as Zane had an entire drawer filled with soft lingerie. But since he had guests over, he had to pick clothes that were on the more cute side.

Going back over to Zane, he motioned for him to strip. Zane did so hesitantly, shivering as the air brushed against his bare skin. He rubbed his arm with his other hand, looking up at Gene. Gene smirked with a dark chuckle as Zane stood there, half naked and embarrassed.

"Come on, Kitty. Let's get you dressed."


"Oh, Garroth! You didn't tell us Laurance was pregnant!"

Zane's ears perked up as he was escorted out of his room, and back to the living room by Gene. He knew now that his older brother was here, and that Gene couldn't do anything to hurt him at the moment.

"I kinda wanted to wait until my parents were back in town." Garroth sighed, petting Laurance's head. "And this was an accident, but we aren't killing a kid."

"Father would kill you if he found out." Zane said, standing next to Laurance. "Hi, Laurance."

"Hey." Laurance greeted with a yawn.

"Oh my baby brother!" Garroth gushed with stars in his eyes. "Has Gene been good to you?"

"Yes, big brother." He nodded, sitting down on the couch with Laurance.

"You two be good while we're gone, okay?" Garroth said with a smile, ruffling Zane's hair. "I don't want either of you getting hurt," he took a moment to look at Laurance's belly. "Especially you."

"See you later, Zaney boy." Gene said, both his tone and attitude towards Zane being a fake disguise.

Zane waved goodbye to Aphmau and Garroth. He couldn't care less about Gene, he did force him to this hellish life after all. He would beat him every day, and force him onto the bed whenever he was drunk on Fridays. One of the worst parts? Gene never remembered doing that to him, so he always thought Zane was a virgin every day, until he got drunk. Then he remembered everything.

Resting his head on one of the couch pillows, he let himself fall asleep.


"Wake up, slut."

Zane yelped as he was slapped across the face, pulled up by his hair. He immediately smelled the scent of alcohol in Gene's breath as he was held up, but that couldn't be right. Gene only drank on Fridays, and today was a Wednesday.

He knew the others weren't around anymore as he was dragged to Gene's bedroom, because he never would have been woken up like that in the first place. Gene wasn't being anywhere near as aggressive as usual, though.

"You know what to do." Gene growled, throwing Zane on the bed.

"M-Master, were you drinking again?" Zane dared to ask, preparing himself for a hit just in case.

"That's none of your business!" He snapped, slapping him across the face.

Just then, they both heard as the front door was broken down. The two of them thought it was Garroth, as he was infamously known to break down doors with the mere touch of his pinkie finger, but they didn't know that a certain girl was doing absolutely nothing with her life and wanted to make a shitposting piece but still a oneshot.

"Alright, who the hell just hit my son!?"

"D-Dad!?" Zane gasped, whimpering as Gene glared at him.

~~A few seconds later~~

"I said sorry!!"


"Father, how did you get here?"

"Don't question me, son."

Uh... so yeah... I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I guess this is like a shitposting oneshot, I'm not sure. So while Garte beats Gene into the ground for abusing his son, Zianna is gonna be fixing Zane up.

Also, I've been wondering, what is a Lime? Like we have Lemons, but what are Limes? Aren't those when there is sexual content but only to an extent? I have never understood this.

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