Danganronpa AU: Students & Gamblers

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No one inside of the Phoenix Drop Highschool was really into the idea of making friends with one another. The only one who really supported the idea was Dante Chihiro Charleston, but he was shot down by the higher and more influential students.

The only one who supported him for his way of seeing the situation was Gene Makoto Charleston (YEAH GENE YOU ROCK THAT HAIR--), because they were brothers. (Yes I know Makoto and Chihiro aren't at all related, but this is just a oneshot, plus an AU.)

Gene Makoto Charleston wasn't like the other teenagers he had to call his classmates. They were all Ultimates, handpicked by the authorities of Phoenix Drop Highschool. They got in because of their talents, but Gene? Heh, he got in through a lottery. I know it sounds like a bit of a stretch, but I'm not talking about a lottery of money. No, this lottery was more of a drawing of names. A.. random selection.

One would even say Gene could be called the "Ultimate Lucky Student". Being lucky wasn't really a talent, but then again Gene did get picked out of all the untalented highschool students in the country.

Because of his poor skills and features, in Class Trials he would be a prime suspect to just about everyone. The only one who never really suspected him was Zane Celeste Ro'Meave, the Ultimate Gambler.

Zane was into the Gothic Lolita clothing, and had a love for drinks like tea. He had always said his dream home was one of the European Castles, even if he would never have one. His gentle frame fit perfectly inside of his darkly colored clothes, and his natural color scheme portrayed elements of ice and winter. It was a downside that his entire life was wrapped in a veil of lies, but Gene still thought that Zane was a unique person.

"Hey, Zane." Gene greeted with a halfhearted wave as he entered the dining hall.

"Hello, Gene." Zane greeted in return, not looking up from his book as he sat at one of the tables, sipping tea at the same time.

"Do you wanna hang out today?" The silky black haired male asked, even if he was going to force him to do it.

"I suppose I don't have any other things to occupy myself with." He answered with a small sigh, as if he wasn't completely onboard with the idea.

"Oh, uh...." He trailed off, taking a few steps back.

Zane may be well mannered and polite, but he was a regal beast who could rip you to shreds.

"It would be simply..... delightful.... to spend time looking at your mediocre face." Zane giggled a bit, lacing his fingers. "I suppose that's a rule to adaptation."

With Zane's poorly hidden insult, the two spent about a full hour together in the dining hall. Zane would occasionally challenge Gene to a game played in gambling, but Gene would refuse each time. He knew he would lose in a gambling match against the Ultimate Gambler, and he didn't even have anything that would be valuable to the raven haired goth.

After a good and enjoyable hour of spending time with Zane, the two grew a little closer. Little did they both know that soon times they had together like this would be over... but Gene could just feel something like that about to happen. So he did the most unexpected thing... pulling down the black and white mask...

He kissed Zane.

Gene thought that Zane would push him away. It wasn't unexpected, of course. The kiss was so sudden, and without warning too. At the beginning of the Killing Game, Monokuma had promised the killer, if they succeeded, that they would get over a thousand Zane nudity photos.

You should have seen how embarrassed and pissed off Zane was.

In reality, Gene was half tempted to kill someone. Hey, it's Zane pictures, and this is a Zane x Gene book! It's allowed.

Instead of being harshly pushed away by the prized gambler, he felt the soft arms wrap around his neck. The two shared the loving kiss of affectionate passion, before Monokuma's voice rang through the dining hall.

"Remember, Gene, all you gotta do is kill a classmate and get away with it!!" Monokuma announced to the couple, as Zane began to turn pink from embarrassment.

"Uh... for what?" Gene asked, only to be elbowed in the side by Zane.

"The Zane photos, of course!!" He laughed in that stupid way of his.

"Please don't..." Zane begged with a sigh, hiding his face with his hands.

The Ultimate Lucky Student laughed out loud, startling the younger gambler to death. Soon, even the Gothic raven haired male began to giggle with him.

Hearing the rather... embarrassing... announcement, the others soon piled into the dining hall. Aphmau, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator, immediately ran up to Zane, throwing Gene aside.

"Zane, are you okay!?" Aphmau asked frantically, glaring at Gene. "Did that pervert touch you anywhere!?"

"No, Aphmau. I am alright." Zane answered in his usual calm and soft voice. "The two of us were simply getting closer. That's all."

"Good..." She let out a sigh of relief, her bright and bubbly attitude returning. "So, what were you two talking about!?"

Zane stood up, his fingers laced in an elegant and peaceful manner. He began to walk past some of the others, before he got pushed a bit by Garroth.

"Where do you think you're going?" Garroth asked Zane, being the obnoxious little crap he always was.

The others looked to Zane for his answer. Zane kept his cool and calm demeanor, replying with words no one had thought of....

I'm sorry.... I have to add this.

"Move. I'm gay."

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