Mourning(Shorter Than Others)

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It was cruel.

In order for Aaron to survive, someone else had to die. Zane was devastated, even if he hadn't shown it. But, even so, he had always had an urge to just... let go. He had always had a split mind on the world. Some days he thought the world was a good place to be and was worth everything, but other days, most days actually, he frowned in disappointment at the pitiable excuse of a world and thought that anything would be better than living on such a broken planet.

They needed someone to give up fast. Aaron's life was on the line, and Aphmau was a sobbing disaster in her home, comforted by her mother and pets.

Zane knew what he had to do.

He opened the door to the house and let himself in, closing it behind him. Aphmau's mother looked up at him, on instinct grabbing her old sandal from the floor. Aphmau looked up at him, blinking through her tear filled eyes to see better.

"Zane...?" She asked through sniffles.

"I'll do it."


Gene was sitting on the couch in the living room of the house that was home to Garroth, Laurance, and Zane.

They were watching a hilarious reality show when Garroth's phone went off. The blonde grabbed the mobile device and was on for only a few seconds when he dropped it. Everyone in the room stared at him in shock, seeing how careful he usually was with electronics.

"Garroth, you okay bud?" Gene asked carefully, growing concerned at the look on the other's face. "You look sick..."

"A... Aaron... Z-Zane..." Garroth replied slowly, shaking as he struggled to get the words out.

Beside him, Laurance looked down, as if he were ashamed of something. He was twiddling his thumbs, only glancing at the phone on the floor for short seconds. Dante and Travis looked equally confused, giving each other sideways glances. Gene, however, felt a stab of fear rush through him.

"He didn't..."


Gene bit his lip, trying not to cry too loudly. He would let the tears fall freely, but he wouldn't make any sound.

He was outside, sitting on a bench in the backyard of the house he shared with Sasha and Zenix. The sky had darkened with grey clouds, and a small wind was blowing through the air. It got rougher as the minutes passed, and Gene found himself painfully reminded of Zane.

Zane loved the wind, Gene thought painfully as he held the black rose in his hands.

He knew that it was foolish, like when someone leaves a note for the Easter Bunny telling them where to hide the eggs. But some part of him felt like it would work. Clearing his throat, he spoke to the open air.

"Zane, if you're listening... I'm sorry."

Gene paused for a moment to wipe away some tears that were lingering on his cheeks, making them uncomfortably itchy and just plain feeling wrong.

"I was always a horrible person to you, and I'm sorry, but I had a reason for what I did to you back in highschool... I knew how much you wanted to be like me, skipping classes and spray painting property, but you were so... innocent.. a teacher's pet, I guess... I didn't want you to end up like me, so I always shut you out whenever you tried to get close to me... I was in love with you back then, Zane... I still am... that's why it hurt so much to do those things to you, but I thought I was protecting you from what I was... I know this won't change anything, and hopefully it wasn't because of me that you gave yourself up for Aaron's sake... but I thought that you should know.... if you're even listening..."

The grass and leafs rustled and bended in the wind, but nothing else happened. He knew it was silly to try, but he had his hopes that it would work. But now, seeing that it hadn't, he brought his knees up to his chest and cried into them.

He was the one responsible for it.

Zane's depression, social anxiety, fear of love... the scars across his arms and thighs... the broken adult canine tooth... the nightmares... the lies.... all of it...

And Zane never heard his apologies.

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