The Scooper

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"Why am I still here?"

Gene asked himself this as the elevator descended down towards the facility, not quite happy with his current job. He was a technician for the Circus Aphmau's Entertainment & Rental, a company that owned animatronics who were rented out for parties. This was his fifth night on the job, and he was not very happy about going back.

Pressing the red button, the doors to the elevator opened and Gene lowered himself to the vent, crawling in. Upon getting out on the other side, he was once again greeted by the crawlspace between the Ballet Gallery and the Funtime Auditorium, with the extension to the Circus Gallery.

That was when Gene heard HandUnit.

"There are two other technicians in the facility right now. Please refrain from interfering with their work. Feel free to ask them why they are still here, and encourage them to go home!" HandUnit instructed, being his useless self again.

"Two other technicians..?" Gene repeated, eyeing the glass windows. "The only other two are Sasha and Zenix... are they alive..?"

"Let's check on Vylad first." HandUnit began, and the two buttons on the control panel lit up. "Press the button to view the Ballet Gallery."

With a gulp, Gene reached over and pressed the light blue button on the control panel to his left. The lights inside the Ballet Gallery turned on, to show a body... hung from the ceiling by a rope... they had long hair...

"Oh my Irene..." Gene gasped, his hand snapping away from the control panel. "That's... that's Sasha...!"

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with Vylad, and that he will be ready to perform tomorrow." HandUnit continued, ignoring the clearly dead body, and the missing Vylad. "Now let's check on Garroth."

"I don't wanna.." Gene protested, but still pushed the button on the opposite control panel anyway.

The lights in the Funtime Auditorium turned on, and hanging from the ceiling was another dead body. Garroth was no where in sight, which wasn't very good for Gene. This was for... obvious reasons.

"Zenix too!?" He yelled, flailing his arms about as HandUnit kept talking.

"Your task today is to do maintenance on Aphmau. Aphmau had a rough day, and needs some repairs done. Sneak through the Funtime Auditorium to reach the Parts & Service room."

"Oh, this is not going to be fun..." He sighed, glaring at the now opened vent. "I have nearly died so many times in there because of Garroth. And now Zenix's dead body is hanging in there, and HandUnit is too stupid to see the hanging bodies, and the missing animatronics!"

With a loud groan, Gene got on his hands and knees and started crawling through the vent. He was terribly aware of the loud sounds he made when he moved through any if the vents, but it was necessary to get to the correct area.


"Why is the floor so wet in this corner...?" Gene asked himself, cringing as he crawled along the floor. "Garroth, are you leaking again?"

"Just get to the Scooping Room." Aphmau's voice came from his phone.

Gene groaned as he came to a wall, feeling around for the vent. Once he found it, he started crawling through. Upon getting out on the other side, HandUnit started talking again.

"Warning: you have entered a highly dangerous area. This room is used for cleaning and repairs of the Scooper, and--"

"Oh, hush.." Aphmau's voice rang, but not from his phone.

Gene gulped as he stood up, seeing the large metal thing on the other side of the room. The lights were flickering, and he saw what was on the floor. Armor shells. To be more exact, the armor shells of Garroth, Aaron, and... Vylad? But.. wasn't Vylad too afraid to come into the Scooping Room?

Zene OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon