Judgement (Gods AU)

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It was just another cold night in Greece. The stars were beginning to dim in the darkened sky, as the crescent moon fell over the horizon. A heavy snowfall was stirring up in the mountains, where thew Gods had once ruled. The snowfall soon turned into a blizzard, one far stronger than anything the Snow Goddess could muster. A small drop of fire, the first source of heat in Greece for centuries, flickered through the blizzard, finding it's way inside the abandoned Godly Palace.

The corridors were frozen solid, as if they had been made from ice. The doors to one throne room were sealed shut, but the warmth from the flame broke right through.

The stained glass windows were frosted over, and the columns holding up the ceiling were beginning to crumble. Where the throne was, a large boulder of ice was in it's spot. The eyes of the being inside were closed, and they were frozen sitting on their throne. The flame flickered against the surface of the ice, and a spiderweb crack appeared in it's place.

The boulder of ice shattered, and the being inside opened their eye tiredly. They yawned, before blinking to clear their sight.

"I don't remember there being so much ice...." He yawned. "I don't remember there being any ice at all..."

He stood up, only to slip and fall on his face. He groaned in pain, rubbing his forehead and feeling something cold. He leaned on an ice column for support, and looked in one of the frosted windows.

An obsidian circlet with pentagon shaped red diamonds.

"Zane....." He growled, starting to remember. "What did they do with MY Zane!?"

His white toga turned into dark red armor with obsidian straps. The red diamonds glowed, before two blood red horns grew from them and curved towards each other at the top. Red flames began to flicker up them, as his eyes turned blood red. In his hand he created a blood red sword, as flames began to circle him.

Almost simultaneously, a few yards from the Godly Palace, a loud roar of hatred echoed off the mountaintops. The rocky spires broke, and a dragon, made from black bones with blood red eyes, rose from them. Other creatures began to rise from the snow covered rocks as well.... large white Ghasts, Zombie Pigmen, Wither Skeletons, Blazes, Magma Cubes, and other Hellish monsters.

"My army of undead...." Gene began to laugh evilly. "Onwards to Ru'an, where our enemies await our return!!"

"Yes, Lord Gene!!" The army cheered.

"We will get my spouse back, and return this cursed world to it's proper state!!!" He announced.

The army cheered, and began marching. The black boned dragon flew beside Gene, as the ice began to melt. Gene hopped on, grabbing the horns as the dragon took off after the undead army, the Godly Palace crumbling.

"Soon...... my Zane....." Gene thought evilly. "Soon..... we will be together again....."

Zene OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now