Midnight Snack

854 26 16

Pennywise Gene and Georgie Dante--

Nighttime was dangerous for a deer.

Still, Zane couldn't ignore the rumblings in his stomach. He had woken up late that day, so he didn't get his fair share of grass and berries. He had no choice but to go grazing at nighttime, when his brothers couldn't take snacks from him.

Zane shivered as he left the warmth of his home, entering the dark wilderness of the forest. The nighttime always had a type of chill to it, yet was so enchanting to him. He stepped fully out of the small home, smiling as he caught a scent of sweet berries.

Staying low to the ground, her hurried across to a patch of green grass that was untouched, with a clean pond nearby and a bush of healthy berries. He nibbled on the blades of grass, enjoying their freshness and tastiness.

A twig snapped.

Zane froze, all senses alert. He couldn't connect the twig snapping to anyone in his family, or anyone in the area. It could very well be one of his brothers, spying on him. They were always playing tricks, making him nervous our even getting him to cry. They always apologized afterwards, at least.

Then he heard it. Growling.

Swapping his attention over to the bush, he could hear the growling more clearly now. Something was definitely in there, but what? Where they hurt? Hungry? Upset?

The figure lunged out at him, sharp claws slashing out at him.

He took off running just in time. If he hadn't moved when he did, he would've been sliced through like his teeth through grass. He ran off in a random direction, but the culprit was right on his tail. He couldn't risk going back to his family. His brother Garroth had strong antlers, but he didn't want him getting hurt. He didn't want any of them getting hurt, or worse... killed..

Never go out at night, his mother would warn them before she started to take them outside. There are wolves are there.

What do the wolves do? Zane would ask.

They hurt us, his mother would respond.

Zane screamed as he was pinned to the ground, dirt flying up around him. Pain flared up in his back and shoulders, sharp claws digging beneath the skin and piercing the flesh. He whimpered as he could feel his smaller, weaker antlers being bit and tugged at. He couldn't help but break out in tears. He wasn't ready to die.

"Look at what we have here..." His attacker snarled beside his ear, flipping him over.

Zane was faced with a tall, more muscular being. He was fairly tanned, even in the darkness of the night. His black hair was knotty and disheveled, and his eyes were a sharp teal blue. He reeked of the odor of blood. Fresh and old bloods, mixed together in one predatory beast. Black ears were on his head, and a black wail wagged happily at his catch.

"Oh, what a crybaby." He huffed, noticing Zane's tears. "Man up, will ya? Face me with some courage."

"I don't wanna die..." Zane sobbed, unable to bear what was happening.

"Who said I wanted to kill you?"

Zane looked at his attacker with confusion, tears rolling down his cheek and onto the grass. Why didn't this Werewolf want to kill him? Wolves were heartless, merciless creatures in these woods. Zane was foolish enough to even dare step outside his home, risking his safety and the safety of his family. Everyone stereotyped a deer to be oblivious, childish, loving, and weak. Guess Zane proved that to be true.

"Come on, get up." The Werewolf urged, getting off of him. "Name's Gene."

"Z-Zane..." He replied slowly, getting up and wincing.

"Oh, I guess I did damage your leg.." Gene frowned, picking Zane up and throwing him over his shoulder. "Play dead."

"What? Why?" He asked, yelping as he was lifted up.

"If you're seen alive, someone else might try to get you." He answered. "And they won't be so merciful."

Zane let his limbs flop, and closed his eye. He swayed numbly as Gene carried him through the forest, trying look dead. After a few minutes, he was dropped onto the ground. Zane opened his eye, finding himself in a cave. But his family didn't live in a cave.

This was a Werewolf cave.

"Gene..?" Zane whimpered, looking up at him. "Where are we..?"

"My cave." Gene answered, dragging him over to a bed made of leafs and other soft materials. "You'll sleep here."

"I wanna go home!" He cried, before yelping as he was slapped across the face.

"This is your home now. I am your family now." He growled, tying him down. "And I'll be the father of your children."

"W-What!?" He exclaimed, eye widening in fear.

"I'm the Alpha, and an Alpha needs pups." He explained, licking his lips. "You'll be a great motherly father for them."


Zane and Gene tensed up, looking near the back of the cave. He hadn't seen them before, but two stone beds were there, one of them occupied. Someone was looking at them, with glassy eyes.

"Dante..." Gene sighed, rolling his eyes. "Go back to bed."

"Is he blind?" Zane whispered as Dante laid back down.

"Yeah, accident a few years ago." He nodded, before biting onto Zane's antlers again.


Five years had passed, and Zane was still stuck with Gene.

Dante had moved out and started living with Zenix, a friend of Gene's. Zane had given birth to two twins, and another son. The twins were beautiful little pups who looked like Gene, and the singular son looked just like Zane. Unfortunately, the singular son was born a deer, and not a wolf like Gene wanted. Worse, somehow Zane could produce milk.

He blinked tiredly, holding the twins close to him. He hated how little of sleep he had been getting, and Gene was no help with the pups. He only ever really paid attention whenever Zane was suckling them, making sure they wouldn't fight or hurt him.

"How's my little angel doing?" Gene asked sweetly, entering the cave and dropping two birds on the ground for the twins. "I trust you two were nice during the suckling?"

The twins jumped onto the birds and started tearing into them, happily enjoying their little snack. Gene smiled at them, before looking at Zane. He frowned when he saw their deer son hiding behind him, but didn't address it.

"Hey there, Zane." Gene grinned, laying down next to him. "Can I have some milk~?"

"No.." Zane frowned, covering his chest. "Only the pups are allowed to be suckled. You know this."

Gene pouted, giving him a sad puppy face. Zane shook his head and picked up their deer son, holding him to his chest. He stroked his head gently, giving him a reassuring smile as he tried to calm him down.

"Sh... it's okay..." Zane whispered, comforting his young. "You know what time it is.."

Their deer son looked at Gene, fear in his eyes. Gene stared at him intensely, probably thinking about eating him. Zane sighed as their deer son started to be suckled, their wolf twins wrestling on the ground.

Zane let his head rest on Gene's shoulder as he fell asleep, smiling as he hugged his sons.

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