Part 27 (Epilogue)

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Note: Hello gang!! Wow it's been almost a year since this story had been published, how time fly's TT<3 but I had a lot of people requesting an epilogue, and I am just so humbled by the support and love from this story, I had to write one! I hope you enjoy loves <3


Yoongi sighed as he finally sat down in his window seat on the airplane, after their long day, promotions, then an interview, photoshoot, and a fan meeting, to say Yoongi was exhausted was an understatement. He was ready to just cuddle up next to his boyfriend and sleep for the duration of their flight. But, Yoongi noticed the slight hesitation in Hoseok before he took his seat next to him.

The older knew Hoseok like the back of his hand, "You okay babe?"

Causing Hoseok to look towards him with wide eyes, before turning his gaze away from the older, letting his brown eyes rest on the floor, "Yeah, I'm fine, everything's fine. Don't worry."

Yoongi looked around, there was no reason for them to hide their relationship anymore, but still, he didn't want anyone listening in, letting his hand rest on Hoseok's cheek as he pulled the youngers gaze to meet his own, "Seok-ah, talk to me."

As soon as Hoseok met Yoongi's gaze, the older could feel his heart squeeze in his chest at the way Hoseok immediately relaxed, leaning into Yoongi's palm as he sighed, "At the fan meet today, there was just something that caught me off guard..."

"Yeah?" Yoongi asked, leaning in closer as Hoseok did the same, their foreheads leaning against each other as Hoseok whispered under the planes hum, "It was something...about us..."

Yoongi felt his heart drop, ever since they'd come clean to their fans about their relationship, there had been so much support, but also, so much hate. It was difficult at first for them both, but it didn't take long for them to overcome it. What they had, they both deemed, was something worth fighting for.

The older let his other hand tangled with Hoseoks whose gentle touch played with Yoongi's fingers, continuing, "It was just...It was a fan and, she said that her and I would be much better together. I just laughed of course, but then she said really, that you don't deserve me." Hoseok's face twisted in confusion, "But, it just, it made me really mad that she'd even think something like that, if anything I don't deserve you. She just didn't understand and..." he sighed, "Like...has she even seen you?! You're beautiful, Yoongi, I just-"

"Seok-ah, no." Yoongi cut him off, knowing where Hoseok's thought trail was falling, "No, stop, we deserve each other and that's that." Yoongi felt his soft smile, as he let his thumb rub on Hoseok's cheek tenderly, "You're so worthy of the love I have the honor of giving you, just like how I'm worthy of yours." Before pressing a quick, yet soft kiss to Hoseok's lips.

Hoseok smiled, a gentle kind of thing that made Yoongi's heart quicken, but also settle, warm, "Yeah, you're right Yoongi. You're worth more than all of the oppression combined."

But Yoongi could tell there was something else. That his loves dark brown eyes weren't shining the vibrant hue they always would when they were together, but before he could ask, Hoseok had his head in the nook of Yoongi's shoulder, nuzzling his nose against Yoongi's neck. And Yoongi sighed, resting his head atop Hoseok's, he could ask more later, because right now, the way Hoseok's body relaxed against his own, Yoongi allowed himself to breath, and let his eyes close, in that moment. With the rumble of the plane, and Hoseok's gentle breathing.


"You ready for the billboards babe? I know this is our first time here, but, I really think we have a chance at winning this." Yoongi asked, stepping into the room that was void of cameras, reporters, interviewers, any other band members, save for Hoseok, who was fumbling with his necklace, "Y-yeah...I'll be right there."

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