Part 10

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"Hoseok!" the boy exclaimed running towards him, practically running him over. Yoongi felt strong arms catch him as he fell onto the younger, with a bright laugh the younger started, "Happy to see me?" Chuckling the older pushed him back "You wish."

The heart shaped smile faded to a small grin, "I thought I told you not to worry..." Yoongi snorted, "And I thought I told you to let your hyung worry." The younger looked to the ground, scratching the back of his neck, "Um-yeah...I texted manager hyung but he hasn't replied. I'm not sure if we're getting a ride home or not." He finished with a lighthearted chuckle.

Yoongi took a deep breath, breathing in the summer nights' air, "We can walk, it's not that far. Plus, you can carry me if I get tired, it's a win win."

"A win win?!" The younger exclaimed playfully, earning a lighthearted hit from the older.

They walked and talked like the previous night had never happened, a comfortable flow of words and silence they often found with each other, like a comforting routine or a sense of belonging. Yoongi took it all in, cherished every moment of it. Every laugh, every word, every step, because he knew that moment wouldn't last forever, yet he also knew this comfort that these moments gave him would last an eternity.

Yoongi was lost in his thoughts when the younger casually yet with something more sprinkled in his tone asked, "Hyung, how do you get Army to like you?"

The older was confused at the sudden question, but never the less took it seriously, thinking of a proper answer, "I'm not sure honestly, I'm kinda surprised myself that Army actually thinks I'm cool" he ended with a soft chuckle, in a heartbeat the younger looked at him with big eyes, "Hyung you are cool though." Yoongi's cheeks felt hot as he quickly looked away "Aish...anyway why do you ask?" he replied with a shrug, "Was just curious."

After a few minutes of the sweet summer sounds filling the welcoming gaps in their conversation, the younger spoke in a voice that seemed far away, using the same voice he did when he came home two nights ago covered in blood, sweat, and tears.

"Yoongi hyung...I don't think I'm bulletproof."

He felt the weight of the youngers words crush his body to the ground, "What are you talking about? Nobody's bulletproof." Hoseoks eyes were glued to the ground, "Yeah..."

Yoongi didn't know what to say, he didn't know what was going through the youngers mind and that scared him to no end. Thankfully the two reached the dorm before Yoongi could reply, shuffling through the door they found a note on the table "We went to eat already! Be back soon~" signed with a picture of lips, a tiger, a badly drawn mochi ball, a bunny, and a capital RM. Yoongi hadn't realized Hoseok had been reading it over his shoulder till the younger let out sigh and sat on the couch, his phone lit in his hands.

"Aigo...Seok I think Jin made something earlier we can have." The boy spoke distractingly looking in the empty fridge, "Fuck ok never mind they ate that already." After searching the kitchen a few minutes more, he gave up, not feeling all that hungry anyway he joined the younger on the small couch. Hoseoks eyes were glued to his phone, eyes frantically searching the small screen. Yoongi was shocked, he'd never seen the younger like this and he had a strange urge to comfort him, yet he didn't know how.

In a soft voice he started, "Seok, hey Seok look at me" a moment later the younger looked up with tired eyes, Yoongi couldn't stop his hand from resting reassuringly on the youngers shoulder, "Do you want to talk about what's going on? You said you would explain everything, but I don't want to pressure you.."

Hoseok hesitated a moment, " don't think I know how to explain it actually..." after a moment he got up from the shared couch, looking anywhere but Yoongi and speaking with heavy words, "I wasn't going to take all those pills though...really please don't worry about it, and sorry about getting so emotional last night it won't happen again." Walking towards the door he continued in a flat tone, "I'm going to the studio, don't wait for me I'll be fine."

Yoongi wasn't having it anymore though, running towards Hoseok he grabbed his wrist before he could walk out, "I understand you think you can handle whatever this is Hoseok but you don't have to alone. You never have to. Why are you refusing any help?"

Hoseok looked away with clenched fists, "I don't belong in Bangtan hyung...I don't belong here I'm just holding everyone back. How can I make my family, Bang PD, and the six of you proud when I am who I am?" He shook his arm free of Yoongi's grasp and continued out the door. Leaving a shocked, wide eyed boy at the doorstep.

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