Part 1

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Note: This is right before the Wings comeback, I tried to write them as canon as possible, Yoongi has black and Hobi has light brown hair.

Enjoy <3


For days, Yoongi had found himself in the studio desperately and vigorously searching for inspiration and sounds to fill the empty slot in their new album labeled as his. Time seemed to blur altogether, he knew it had to have been at least two weeks he's been at this. He had to get it perfect, and if that meant spending countless hours deciding if the next note should be a C or C sharp then so be it. If it weren't for his other bandmates bringing him food and forcing him to go back home and sleep, well he wasn't even sure he would have made it this far.

The most common presence of course, was Hoseok. However, as of late his refreshing visits, while not having decreased in number, have seemed to blur altogether. Yoongi didn't have the strength give the boy any attention or even mutter a simple thank you. But of course, that didn't stop the young rapper.

A smile threatened the side of Yoongis' lips, how could he be so persistent, his motherly checkups had to have been testing his patience to find the older in the same state each time. Yet he never stopped.

Now a gummy smile was painting itself on Yoongis' lips, as he shook himself from his thoughts and decided how the last beat in the song should go.

After a few hours, Yoongi pressed play and sat back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.

It's finished, isn't it.

The soft melody began to dance lightly in the air, intertwined with the boys' weighty voice.

The corner of my memory
A brown piano settled on one side

He sat there, letting his voice fill the air. He'd heard it so many times editing the song that it began to sound foreign. He felt a strange feeling of pride that he finished it, hopefully well.

I looked up to you
I yearned for you

Knock. Knock.

The boy turned to see a wide eyed Hoseok standing in the door frame to the small studio.

I didn't know your significance back then
Back then I was content with just looking at you

He tensed at first, but instantly relaxed at the sight of the younger. Yoongi motioned for his friend to sit beside him, smiling lightly until he realized Hoseok would be the first to hear the song.

After the dawn, two of us
We welcomed the morning together
Don't let go of my hand forever, I won't let go of you again either

Why was he nervous? The boy was bound to hear it anyway, all the members where but why was he so nervous. Hoseok was the one who helped him with the lyrics, was the one who always made sure he was eating properly, always found a way to make these lonely sleepless nights in the studio just a bit less...lonely.

We laughed, we cried
Those days with you,

The boy suddenly felt not just nervous, but a wave of guilt wash over him as well. He was so invested in his music that he never cared to ask if Hoseok was eating properly, if he was getting enough sleep, or how his own song was going.

He kept his eyes glued to the ground, too embarrassed and nervous to meet the others.

Even when I pushed you away
Even when I resented meeting you
You were firmly by my side
You didn't have to say anything

So don't ever let go of my hand
I won't let you go ever again either

In that moment, his thoughts drifted to Hoseok. That sunshine boy was a lot like his piano in a sense. No matter how much he drifted away, or how lost he might be, Yoongi knew Hoseok would always be there.

But all the members would be right?

In the corner of my childhood house
A brown piano settled on one side

With that the song slowly came to a close, leaving a silence in the room that Yoongi wouldn't dare breathing to disturb.

A moment past and his eyes where still glued to the floor, until he felt a gentle hand rest on his knee. He hesitated looking up, but when he did he was met with teary eyes and a heart shaped smile.

Yoongi couldn't help his gummy smile from taking over his features, Hoseok liked the song. Hoseok liked his song. The previous anxieties where washed over immediately with a warmth that he couldn't describe.

"Hyung, it's beautiful..." the boy beside him breathed.

And that was it for Yoongi, he couldn't stop the tears from falling. The only other time he cried was during the recording, and now all the built up emotions had suddenly come crashing down like a broken dam. Hunched over in his chair he let the tears fall, and within moments he couldn't stop the sobs from escaping. It felt like he could just feel everything at that moment, the song, his bandmates support, his fans, the sleepless nights, and the presence of the boy who sat beside him.

Not even a second later, the black haired boy felt the warmth of Hoseoks' reassuring embrace fill him. Letting himself collapse into the embrace he let it all flow from him, all of his emotions, all the frustration, all the pain, all of it. It was finally finished.

Hoseoks' thumbs drew soft circles on the rappers back, whispering how beautiful the song was and how proud he was.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, before Yoongi's breathing calmed to a steady beat. He couldn't bring himself to move away from the comforting embrace so instead he moved his head to lay in the crook of the youngers neck, letting the boys scent wash over him. He felt Hoseoks chin gently rest on his head as his arms tightened around him, much like a welcome home. Both were silent, it wasn't an awkward silence though, more like a needed, peaceful quietness that offered a tranquil kind of air. The steady breathing of the younger, the comfort he offered, and the quiet atmosphere lulled Yoongis tired mind to sleep.

And in Hoseoks arms, he found it extremely easy.


Ah thanks for sticking around till the end!! <3

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