Part 16

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The next day Jin actually slept in the correct room for once. Strangely enough Yoongi couldn't find an ounce of sleep even with the sleeping arrangements back to normal. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering to a boy with a certain pair of chocolate eyes, a laugh that could make the spring flowers bloom, and a smile brighter than the sun itself. Giving up on sleep he Journeyed to the kitchen, finding Namjoon sitting at the table, book and coffee in hand.

"Well you're up early!" He cheered with a dimple filled smile causing Yoongi to smirk, "Mornin'"

However, upon noticing Yoongi's tired eyes he looked with concern, "couldn't sleep?"

Caught, Yoongi sighed, "Something like that um..." He hesitated a moment before continuing, "Actually Namjoon, could I ask you something?" Closing his book, he gave his full attention to the older, "Of course, what is it?"

"Have you ever developed feelings for your best friend?" Yoongi shyly asked, taking a seat across the younger. Namjoon was surprised but quickly replied, "Well of course, back in high school I had a friend who I started to like more and more. After I'd finally worked up the courage to ask her out, she rejected me." He let out a small chuckle, "Said she liked someone else. But looking back, I should have fought for her. She was someone I had a real connection with you know? Still though, she was my best friend, maybe if I had told her how I felt before the other guy it would've been different. It's best friends to lovers for a reason." He finished smiling.

"She rejected you? But you're Kim Namjoon!" Yoongi wore a shocked expression as Namjoon laughed, "I was quite the nerd back in high school. She was actually the only girl I could talk to without stuttering like a mad man." Yoongi looked shocked but quickly filled the air with his laugher, causing the younger to join with his own full laugh.

Once their chuckles died down, Namjoon started, "Why do you ask?"

Yoongi looked away, scratching the back of his head, "Ah-just wondering, actually I have another question. I'm asking for a friend though..."

Namjoon laughed, "Ok sure, what is it?"

Yoongi sighed, "What if the best friend that someone had feelings for, was another guy...someone you worked with and saw everyday...?"

Namjoon was silent, processing the question before asking, "Hyung. Is this friend that wants to know sitting right in front of me?"

Yoongi's eyes were glued to the table which was enough of an answer for Namjoon. Another moment of silence passed before Namjoon whispered, "Hoseok?"

Yoongi's eyes grew big, shocked that it had been that obvious. It took him a full minute to function enough to respond, "That...that friend who's asking. Yeah...he might like that way." The last part spoken just above a whisper.

After a moment more of silence Yoongi asked, "Was it really that obvious?"

Namjoon sighed, "You know hyung, all of us, even Taehyung, can see how much the two of you care for each other."

Yoongi wore a small smile.

Namjoon spoke carefully, "And also, Hoseok has been having a hard time lately hasn't he?"

The older nodded with sad eyes as he spoke, "He's been carrying too many things alone." Namjoon nodded in understanding, "Jimin's noticed too, while he has his own problems right now, he still tried to help Hoseok. But it seems Hoseok had only opened up to you." Yoongi blushed slightly at the thought of being considered special in Hoseok's eyes.

"Hyung even if he doesn't know it yet, he cares about you just as much as you care about him." Namjoon added reassuringly. Yoongi couldn't stop his gummy smile for the life of him, "So you think there really is a chance?"

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