Part 17

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Trigger warning: this chapter references depression and other mental illness issues

Enjoy <3


That night Hoseok almost didn't go to the roof, with the memories of the day still fresh in his mind all he wanted was an escape. But then the image of Yoongi's gummy smile and his addictive laugh would surface to his thoughts, before he even realized it he'd grabbed a blanket and was already half way up the stairs.

When he opened the door he was met with the sight of Yoongi, casually leaning against the edge as he watched the busy city from the roof, seemingly untouched by the chaos below it. 

Hoseok didn't say anything at first to alert the other of his presence, he didn't know why but just the sight of Yoongi alone was enough to calm him. He'd felt like he just went through a year of war and had finally returned home. He couldn't stop his heart from yearning for one of Yoongi's comforting embraces.

It was a colder night, Hoseok noted as he couldn't stop the sneeze that escaped him, despite his efforts. Causing a startled Yoongi to whip around, "Hoseok?"

"Hey hyung" the boy offered a small smile and awkward wave before setting the blanket down. It took Yoongi a second too long to reply, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to stare at his sun a moment longer. Yoongi set his bag of food on the blanket, "Ah- you scared me, sorry I only had time to bring some snacks." Hoseok quickly replied, "No no that's're here, that's enough for me." Yoongi just simply hummed in response as he sat closer than necessary to the younger, his tomato red face glued to the blanket.

Neither spoke as they ate, the air hung with the questions and answers left unsaid. Yoongi would steal a glance at the younger every so often. Even like this, just casually eating together, Hoseok had a way to make Yoongi's chest fill with warmth, despite the night chill that surrounded them. Yoongi couldn't help but feel like he belonged there, right next to Hoseok, and he didn't want it any other way.

When they had finished everything, without a word, they laid side by side on the blanket, staring up at the night sky. Yoongi noticed how heavy the clouds were, finally breaking the silence in a casual tone, "Not much of a star show tonight huh?" Hoseok offered a small grin with a distance voice, "I guess not."

Yoongi's theory was confirmed through a single grin, he knew from the beginning, Hoseok wasn't telling him something. Earlier that day when Jimin passed out from hunger, everyone was sad and concerned, Yoongi was no exception. However, he could tell when Hoseok came back from the store that there was something else that was bothering him. He just couldn't piece together why Hoseok tried so hard to avoid his gaze earlier.

Yoongi looked to his side, watching Hoseok's gentle breaths while he gazed up at the night. In a tired and almost broken voice the younger finally spoke, "There really aren't any stars tonight...none."

"I found one." Yoongi spoke without thinking, quickly turning his head as he covered mouth with his hand. "Really? Where?" Hoseok asked, eyes still searching the sky.

Yoongi was about to say it was nothing, but something in him didn't allow it as he looked towards the younger again, heart beating loudly in his chest, "I'm looking right at him."

With that, Hoseok turned his gaze toward the older, completely speechless, his eyes widened in realization as heat filled his cheeks. Making Yoongi's heart melt, that's when he noticed the small cut on the younger's neck. Lifting his hand, his fingers, like feathers, as they softly ran across the line. With nothing but worry and concern spilling in his voice he spoke, "Seok-ah, what happened today?"

Blood Sweat Tears and You (Yoonseok)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat