Chapter 35

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Sunday POV

The show soon came to a close. Louis told me that he was going back to the dressing rooms to freshen up. I nodded telling him that I would just chill with the boys. He didn’t look so happy about that but I simply ignored it. There was a small make shift lounge area backstage. I followed the directions leading to it and found Kayla and the boys talking already.

Kayla was in a deep conversation with Harry, while the other lads were spread out. I walked up to Liam since Louis talked about him fondly saying that he was a good lad.

“Hey Liam” Liam turned around and gave me a sweet smile.

“Hey Sunday! Did you enjoy our performance?”  He was leaning on some equipment boxes and observing the area.

“Yea you guys were amazing. I have great confidence in you guys winning” And I wasn’t lying the guys are really improving. And plus they’re winning the hearts of thousands of girls already.

“Hey don’t jinx it!” Liam nudged my arm jokingly. “But thank you”

We stood in silence for a while just looking around. I guess in some light we did look like stalkers. But it was interesting watch like for example Zayn and Niall here goofing off and getting the security team angry. I giggled at the sight.

“Hey Sunday, is Kayla a friend of yours?” Liam suddenly asked. I tore my yes away from the amusing scene and faced him. “Like a really good friend?”

For some reason I felt like there was more meaning to the question. “Umm yeah…we’re best friends actually”

“Like best friends or best friends?” Is he ok? Like what’s the difference? Louis’ right these guys can get weird.

“Umm just best friends, nothing more nothing less” My strong answer turned into a question. Were there always two meanings in best friends? And if there was why am I not informed? Does Kayla know about this? Wait why do I care?

“Oh cool then. Just wondering you know” He shrugged.

“Right” I simply excused myself from him saying that I was going for a walk.

That was just plain awkward.

As I was walking I saw Zayn. He was sitting on some equipment, I remember Louis saying that he was very quiet but really interesting once you get him to talk. But then again Liam was the most sensible one and he didn’t do a great job in proving that.

“Hey Zayn” I greeted as I hopped on the equipment box beside him.

“Oh hey Sunday, what’s up?” He gave me a small smile.

“Just chilling around,” I shrugged and turned to him “how about you? I saw you and Niall goofing off”

He slightly chuckled “Yeah we kind of pissed of the security guard now we’re being separated. But we’re going home soon so it don’t matter”

I nodded smiling, boys will be boys. I carried on some conversation with him. Mostly about his family who did come to see him. You could tell that he really cared for them; he lit up every time he recalled a memory.

“We paused in the conversation when a group of girls walked past us. They all waved and smiled at Zayn, giggling when he waved back.

“They’re such cuties huh?” I was puzzled of why Zayn was asking me this.

“Um sure I guess” I shrugged.

“Oh are they not your type? I guess you know I’m more of a curvy man myself. But cute wins my heart if you know what I mean” No I don’t know what you mean and why in the world is he telling me this.

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