Chapter 24

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Sunday’s POV

That was five months ago and in the span of these five months nothing has occurred. I know surprising, but its true me and Rimmie no longer speak to each other and so doesn’t Kayla which is so easy because we all have different classes. I and Louis have gotten closer and no other questions or secrets popped up. My parents became more supportive and understanding but I think they were always like that I just didn’t see it till now.

I’m now going to Louis dorm because he has an emergency. I’ve become more accustomed to his ‘emergencies’ now. I know it’s a real emergency when he’s at my dorm.

“Where you headed?” Kayla calls out.

“Louis” I yell back and leave the dorm. I drive out and reach his Uni in no time. I jog up to his dorm and knock the door.

“Get in here” Louis yanks me out of the hall into his dorm.

“Um hi to you to” I say while rubbing my arm. That was a strong grip. He waves me off and goes to his guitar.

“So what’s the big emergency?” I swear if he says he gotten another high score in Fifa again I’ll throw him out the window. Yeah that was the last emergency; you don’t how close I was to bashing his head with that precious guitar of his. He gets me all worked up for nothing.

“I don’t think I want to X-Factor anymore” He says. Ok well that was unexpected.

“What do you mean? You were ecstatic for these past weeks what happened?” I ask sitting beside him.

“I just don’t think I’m a great singer… I guess it’s the stress maybe and how the X-Factor is in couple of weeks. And I’m just worried about how my performance will be, what if it turns out to be complete shit?” I sighed, I guess now his nerves are getting the best of him.

“And I know what you’re thinking, I know you’re going to say ‘I told you so” I chuckled. I wasn’t going to say that but he’s right I did tell him.

“I wasn’t going to say that, I was going to ask if you have any confidence in your voice.” He sighed and shrugged.

“I’m just scared that I’ll sing and then right after that someone with Beyoncé’s voice mixed with like Celine Dion comes on and ruins every single chance I have” I couldn’t hold it in I laughed at his comment, he has a funny way of describing things.

“It’s true! I’ve been watching some competitions and Simon is cruel you think they have a great voice but Simon will be like ‘no not really you sound like squirrel being eaten by a cat’. But to me they sounded like Pharell and Robby Williams combined!”

I laughed again as much as his words were hilarious they are very true. I guess he has every reason to be nervous.

“Maybe you should get critique and I mean from a stranger not your mum”

“You think so”

I nodded.

“Yeah they may not be Simon but if you can get people to listen to you sing and give you an honest answer; you’ll know what to do next” I suggested.

“Yeah I’ll do that, maybe tomorrow” I frowned, he was obviously procrastinating which isn’t a good idea since the competition is in a few weeks. And knowing Louis he won’t budge if you tell him about his slacking attitude. S o I guess I have take matters in my own hands.

“Well since your being a wimp…” I muttered. I walked out in to the hall and saw a young man who was probably walking back to his dorm.

“Hi there!” I greeted him.

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