Chapter 16

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Sunday’s POV

“The X-Factor?”

Louis nodded energetically I have heard of the X- Factor its very common in the UK, a lot of people go up and sign up for it, it’s  just like American Idol but just for people who live in the UK.

“Louis what are trying to say, that you want to sign up for X-Factor?” I questioned.

“Ladies and gentleman give the girl a cookie” Louis said applauding my answer.

“You’re signing up for X-Factor? But I thought that you loved drama, where did the sudden change of mind come from?” I asked excitedly, I’ve never heard him sing but it’s still exciting.

“Your right I love drama but I like singing, a lot actually so I thought I try it out I’ve sang before and people have said I was good. So I thought hell why not?” Louis grinned.

“Oh my goodness Louis this is exciting!  Have you told your mum yet?” I was so happy for him to make such a daring decision good things happen to those who sign up for it, I wonder if he’ll let me hear him sing.

“Umm actually no, I haven’t you’re the only one who knows” He said scratching the back of his neck. I smiled it was nice to feel like the first for something.

“So, does this mean I get to hear you sing?” I smiled at him.

“Umm no not exactly you’ll hear me at the audition” Louis said smiling back.

“Aww Louis that’s not fair, how will you know that you sound good, who’s going to be your Simon?” I asked hands on my hips.

“My mum, duhh” Louis rolled his eyes.I sighed in defeat, I really wanted to hear him sing.

“C’mon please just a little melody, you don’t have to sing a whole song” I pleaded.

“Nope” He said popping the p.

“Ugh fine can you at least tell me what song you're going to sing?” If I can’t hear him sing at least I can know what he’s going to sing.

“Umm I think I’m going to sing the song from Plain White T’s Hey There Delilah” I nodded in agreement, I like that song it’s very sweet.

“You know this is really awesome for you to be doing this but are you sure you can handle it? With all these people looking at you it’s pretty daunting don’t you think?” I slightly warned him, the last thing I want him to do is embarrass himself.

“Please Sunday I have done many embarrassing stuff and things where all eyes were on me so I think I can handle the thousands of people.” He said with confidence.

“Ok then if you say so” I shrugged.

“So when is the audition?” I asked.

“It’s in a month, so I better start practicing” He answered and walked towards his guitar, ugh I should have guessed that he could sing he had that guitar in his old room too.

“How about telling your mum your sudden change in plans first” Louis looked up shyly at me.

“Oh yeah I almost forgot” He grabbed his phone from his pocket and then paused.“But before I do that you need to leave” 

“Why do I need to leave?” I said a little upset.

“Because, my mum would want to know if I could still sing and if you’re here you’ll hear it and I don’t want you to until the actual audition. So be gone!” He said pushing me out the door.

“Ugh that’s not fair you told me first I should at least here something, and how come you’ve never mentioned your talent before?” I asked not daring to move as he pushed me but of course he’s stronger so it didn’t work.

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