Chapter 25

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*One month and a week later*

Sunday’s POV

Have you ever felt like everything is about to change? Like through just one action and ‘boom!’ your life will be different forever? Like the room is going to close in and you’re scared because that one decision could either make or break you? That’s how I feel right now.

You must be wondering why, well you now it’s not like Louis audition is today or something. Ok so Louis X-Factor audition is today and I am sweating like a sinner in church. I don’t why I’m so nervous for him but I know I’m not the only one. Ok maybe I do know why I’m so nervous but I have to hide it, everyone is being strong for him but it’s just so nerve wracking, I mean so many things can happen.

I’m just praying that Simon Cowell falls in love with his voice like I did.

But thankfully for us we have so much time to calm down; I mean a lot, like this line is equivalent to infinity.

“Would it be too late for him to back down?” Lottie asks.

“Hey! Support your brother stop with the negativity and bring on the positivity” Oh god I sound like a motivational speaker. This is what nerves do to me.

“Calm down I’m just doing this reverse psychology thing. I tell my mind that Louis is destined to fail and then surprise myself if he wins”

That’s actually pretty smart.

Maybe I should try that.

No you have to be positive for Louis.

“You do that” It must be working because it seems as if Lottie is the calmest out of all of us. Or she’s a really good actor.

“Yes mom, I’m sure I’m fine” Louis lets out an exaggerated sigh.

“Sorry love just nervous for you” Aunt Jay apologized. Poor woman she’s probably freaking out like crazy right now. I push past my family and Louis’ and stand beside him.

“I would ask you how your holding up, but I can tell that you’re doing just fine” I smirk.

“Hey Sunday” He looked so tired and frizzed out.

“Did you get sleep last night?”

Louis chuckled.

“Sleep? I don’t even know what that was this whole week. This audition has got me so wiled up. This is supposed to be exciting. Instead it’s become the most nerve wracking experience so far.” He was so stressed. Poor Louis

“Hey think of it like this, just imagine you hearing those three yes’ and winning the X-factor. And then think about after the X -Factor, going on tours, singing for a living, going to places you’ve always wanted to visit, girls asking for your autograph. Think about what you want to accomplish instead of those pesky what ifs’ in your head.”

Ok wow where did that come from?

“There’s that motivational speaker I missed” Louis smiled. I blushed when I realized he was talking about the day we were on the patio. That was only a few months ago, feels like a year. I felt a hand reach the side of my waist tugging me closer to a body.

“Thanks Sunday…you really know what to say, I’m glad you’re here with me” He murmured in my ear. I ignored that shiver down my spine and leaned in closer to him.

“No problem, you’re going to be just fine.” I whispered back.

“You really think so?”

“You want me to be honest?”

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