Chapter 58

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Louis’ POV

“Thank you so much sir, yes, that’s right alright, thanks so much” Harry ended the phone call and crossed off something from his list. “Ok that’s it; everything is ready and set to go.”

“You finished planning the double date?” I looked up from the TV.

“Yup, everything is reserved and ready.” Harry beamed proud of his organizing skills.

“Alright” I high five him as he takes a seat beside me.

“I’m glad we’re doing this, I think we really needed this everything up to this point was going too crazy or too fast.” He sighed as he puts down his clipboard.

“I know it’s like every second something pops up. I’m glad to know that we finally have the calm after the storm.” I agree with him.

“Yeah let’s hope that it stays that way.” Harry mutters his attention focused on the screen.

“Yea let’s hope” Stability is what we needed, all of us including the other three boys. Too many things we’re thrown at us these past few weeks and all we could do was take the hits. But finally everything has calm down allowing us to relax and just focus on the tour.

“Hey I never got to ask, how was the club night? I wanted to but I just felt awkward” Harry asked. I know what he means after that first night out things got a little awkward or tense between us. Nothing where our friendship was questioned but every time we spoke or hung out we never talked about what I and Kayla did that day. It was just too awkward to bring up.

“Uh it was fun, a really great club we should actually go there one night” I suggested.

“Oh cool, so what happened after the club? Kayla didn’t get back till the morning” He sounded a little accusing which did sting a little.

“I really don’t know what happened after everything is just a big blur. We ended up drinking a lot so everything started getting hazy by the time we needed to get home.” This is the actual truth I have no clue what happened after we left the club. All I remember is that we went to a different hotel because of something I was too drunk to even care for the reason. And that probably won’t help Harry in this situation.

“But you didn’t come back to our hotel” Harry countered.

“Well we were sent to a separate hotel” I didn’t like this conversation it was getting tense and I didn’t want to feel tense especially since we finally got out of all this mess.

“A separate hotel? Kayla didn’t tell me that. What happened?” I’ve never really been in this situation with harry before and I don’t like it. He may look like he just curious but I know Harry he’s not just curious he wants to know if something else went on that night.

“Well I’m pretty sure just like me she went to sleep” I chuckled lightening the mood a little.

Harry gave a smile that faded too quickly. “In the same bed?”

“Uh no, I remember the hotel having two rooms and Kayla walking into one of them but I know I didn’t follow.” He seemed to have calmed down after that.

“Harry you know that your my mate right? All I did was just take care of her. I would never dare to do something like that especially to you.” He needed to know that he could trust me. I’m a hundred percent sure nothing happened that night.

He sighed. “I know, I know it’s just with everything that happened… I just got worried that’s all”

“That’s alright Harry I would be the same too. Just remember that I would never want to do anything that would hurt you, like how you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

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