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"Are we almost there yet?" I stifled my giggle, for the hundredth time in our short 5 minutes of being in the car. What? he did force me to leave, he could at least suffer too.

After I had tried squeezing the information of who the driver was and how he'd found us in perfect time, he ran upstairs and grabbed our stuff before disappearing with Ted's still immobile body. Strange, odd, perplexing.. but nonetheless, I still wanted more. He drew me in in a way I believed I'd always want more.

"Are you almost done irritating me?" he retorted, rolling his eyes.

"How much longer in the car?"

"A little over two hours."

"Nope!" I grinned widely, turning on the radio. Ashton reached over, quickly turning it off. Frowning deeply, I clicked it on again. He looked over at me glaring with a hint of amusement, but turned the sound down slightly.

Smiling triumphantly with my win, I decided on 98.5 oldies.

Realizing I was leaving the cabin without even letting Nash know, I turned to Ashton checking to see if he was in a better mood.

"Can I use your phone to call Nash?"

Silently, he reached over pulling his phone out of the glove box and powering in on. Perplexing how this wasn't his car but yet..

He handed the phone over to me gently, holding onto my hand a little longer then necessary. I decided on calling Luke first to make sure he was still doing well since his current living conditions were actually hazardous.

ring... ring... ri--

"What is it.. Ashton?" Luke's voice hesitantly crept through the speaker.

"No, it's Madison I-- click.


Oh but if it would have been Ashton, it's "what is it."

I angrily dialed Nash's number, pressing each key with a little more force then necessary. Ashton shot me a side glance but I was just hoping she wouldn't betray me and hang up in my face like a betrayer.

Overreacting ?



"Hey Nash, I just wanted to let you know that I'm on my way home.." I chewed my lip anxiously, waiting for her reply.

"So are we-- meaning Leo and I erm-hahah--I- I'll see you at home!"

Before I could quiz her on her weird behavior, I heard the click indicating she had hung up. Who else would I think she was with other then Leo?

And why did everyone feel the need to hang up on me now?

Ashton must have noticed the confusion on my face, because turning to me, a look similar to mine crossed his.

"What's wrong Amore mio ?"

His voice was low, and close. I felt goosebumps arise on my neck and let my eyes flutter close. I considered telling him to stop his games, before I wreck but I remembered he was driving.

"Luke hung up in my face."

I sighed heavily, and opened my eyes to see his cold ones glued to my face.

"What exactly did you tell the boys at the cabin Ashton? You have them avoiding me like the plague." I tried to muster up a similar cold glare, to which Ashton turned his gaze back to the road.

His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and for a while I just sat there watching for his grip to loosen. I waited for a reply, not daring to ask again. I knew he probably wasn't going to answer me in the first place, but I was getting so exhausted of being in the dark. Also, just tired in general. My eyelids were growing heavy and only going to get heavier so I slowly let them close taking in a few sharp breaths of rejection. Just as I fell completely to bliss, Ashton muttered a few words that caught my attention.

"I told them that'd I'd shoot them, and I will."

My blood turned cold as ice and my eyes snapped open immediately checking on the steering wheel.

"Oh please be real Ashton, you don't even have a gun." I sneered, a bit too hopefully by the amused smirk that was now plastered on his face.

"You're right, I have six. In this car alone."

I formed an 'O' shape with my mouth, slowly lying back down comfortably in the seat. For some reason, I couldn't find that one spot that felt so cozy just moments ago.
Did I really want to know what I didn't know?

I fell asleep with surmise bouncing around the walls of my mind, sure to have eventful dreams.

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