Chapter 1

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As I sat on the dark streets of Gotham I couldn't help but think back to how I got here. I was once a happy golden girl and now I'm a homeless teenager who has shut herself out from what is expected in Society I ran my hands through my bleach blonde hair and pulled my knees closer for warmth on the cold winter night. I wish I could go back to the way I was before Gotham, before I gave into the darkness inside of me...

3 Days Ago

I was rudely awakened from my deep slumber by my annoying alarm clock. Groaning I rolled over and slammed the top cutting it off. I sat up and stretched looking at my calendar. The first day back to High School I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and ran the hot water roll down my body relaxing. I went to grab the shampoo and was greeted with freezing cold water from the shower. I screamed and unlocked the bathroom door.

"I'M IN THE SHOWER TURN THE WATER OFF MAA!" I shouted down at her. She apologised and I got back into the now warm shower. At least that woke me up. I finished with the shower and walked into my room to get ready. I pulled out my white skinny jeans and a peach spaghetti strap top which I finished off with my peach blazer. I slipped on my white flats and dried my hair. I sighed and walked over to do my makeup. I put on a white eye shadow on with pink on the upper eye and white eyeliner with a small flick at the side. I put on a clear gloss and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a smiling stranger look back at me. I looked down at my clothes and frowned.

This isn't me, if I could be myself I would not be dressed up to fit in and be what others expect of me. I could feel myself on edge. I have had to be what others want me to be to make them happy but I am never happy myself; unless I'm with him. I smiled to myself as I thought of my amazing boyfriend Jack. He is a head jock at high school but he isn't what you would expect, he saw through my fakeaide the first day of school and got to know the real me, we were both the same, we did as expected but not as we liked. Jack wanted to be a rapper and has been looking to be signed so he could leave and peruse his dreams. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone going off. I picked it up and saw it was him.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"I'm outside" He replied before hanging up. I sighed. Okay, maybe things arnt all sunshine and rainbows... It's been different with him lately, during the summer he made friends with a group of rappers who were not the safest to hang round with and it really strained our relationship, It pushed me one step closer to the edge and I'm about to break. I laughed at my song reference and put my earphones in playing Linken Park as I grabbed my bag and lunch mum left on the counter and rushed to Jacks car. I got in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi" he grunted. I sighed and looked down at my hands. I was going to break I could feel it. He has been so hostile lately and it's killing me. I could feel the darkness of my mind takeover.

"Hayley? What's wrong? Did your dad hit you again or something? What's the matter?" He said in a caring voice. I was looking into his eyes but had to look away unable to answer him. Instead I took his hands and I broke down crying.

Words couldn't describe how I was feeling to him, it would destroy us both and he knew it. He gently lifted my chin to look in my eyes. I let all the emotions out as he read my eyes. He breathed in sharply and I pulled away.

"Let's go" I said and dried my eyes. He nodded and let out a breath he was holding. The car ride there was silent but comfortable. Jack kept hold of my hand the whole ride. I got out the car and plastered on my fake smile as we approached our friend group.

The day passed like all the rest, I was like a zombie going though the normal routine in place for life. I couldn't do it any longer and I knew it. I need to be me before I become something completely different altogether.

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)Where stories live. Discover now