Chapter 5.1: Amy's Number

Start from the beginning

"-But I don't see why I have to trade my phone in," Amy complained. "I only live like three hours away. I'm not getting any roaming charges and my service is working fine."

"I'm sorry, dear," the woman was explaining," but I'm afraid it's policy. If we make an exception for one person, we have to make it for everyone. Besides, the new phone will work just as well. Probably better, actually-"

"But I don't want a new phone. I have a phone. My parents just bought it for me last week."

"I'm very sorry, dear," the woman explained patiently," but there's nothing we can do. I promise you: we'll take very good care of it. It'll be locked safely in the vault until you graduate."

The woman smiled as patiently as she could.

Amy said nothing, staring daggers at the woman as she thought over her options.

"Fine," she said, handing her phone to the woman.

"Name?" the woman asked, scanning a clipboard in her hands.

"Amy Penberthy," Amy responded icily.

"All right, Amy," the woman said sealing her the phone into a manila envelope she grabbed from a nearby table. She reached into a cardboard box on the table. Wyatt could see it was full of copies of an identical phone. Wyatt didn't really keep track of this kind of stuff but they looked like they were expensive, each had a thin body with a large screen. They definitely looked like it could take some damage, though.

"Here you go, sweetie," she said handing one of the phones to Amy.

Amy grabbed the phone roughly, still glaring at the woman, and began to walk towards the door.

"Hey! Amy," Wyatt called out.

She turned towards him.

"Oh, hi," she said. "It's... Wyatt, right?"

"Yeah," he responded.

"Sorry, I'm terrible with names," she muttered. "Well, Wyatt, are you ready for your mandatory theft?"

"Yeah, I saw what happened back there," Wyatt said gesturing back towards the woman. "It sucks they wouldn't let you keep your phone."

"My parents bought me that phone, literally last week," she fumed. "I haven't even taken off the screen protector yet. I don't see why I have to get rid of it just because someone's parents are mad that they have to pay a few more dollars a month."

"Well, if it means anything, at least it will still be pristine when you get it back," Wyatt said shrugging. "But, I know what you mean, I've got all of my books loaded on mine. It'll take ages to put them all back on."

"I told my dad I would call him tonight," she said with an angry sigh. "It's gonna suck if he's sitting by the phone waiting for me to call all night, and I never do."

Amy noticed Wyatt's phone in his hand.

"Hey, Wyatt, would you mind if I called my dad on your phone before you turn it in? I really need to tell him not to wait for the call tonight."

"Uh, yeah, sure. Go ahead," he said handing it to her.

"Dude, you are a freaking life-saver," she said grinning from ear to ear. "Just give me one second."

She walked off a bit from the crowd and started tapping numbers on the phone.

"What's up, FM?" Todd said walking up to Wyatt.

"Hey, Todd," Wyatt responded. "It feels really weird to be called that in public."

"Yeah, no kidding right.

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