Safety, Love and Happiness

Start from the beginning

The truth was, she was ready or at least she thought she was but something about the thought of Chandler seeing her bare, it made her feel nervous.

She was nervous that when Chandler saw her bare, he would be disappointed.

She hated thinking that, she knew in her heart that Chandler loved her and how she looked and honestly she had never cared what a boy really thought of her appearance until she started dating Chandler.

Sure with Isaac she had tried to look nice but she never thought about being intimate with him. It was different with Chandler. Chandler was so caring and kind and loving and supportive and hot. She just didn't want him to see her and be disappointed by what she saw. She wanted to make love to him but she was nervous and sooner or later she knew that they would have to talk about it. Today, however was not the day. At least she didn't think it was.


"Chandler why aren't you dressed yet?" Gina asked when she walked into his room and saw her oldest son, lying in bed, playing video games.

"Because it's only one and we aren't leaving for Katelyn's till four. I still have plenty of time before I need to get ready," Chandler explained, not looking up from the screen.

"Just don't doddle, I told Natalie we'd be there by four so that we could take some photos before you two have to leave."

Chandler turned and flashed his mother a smile, "Don't worry mom, I'll be ready I promise."

Gina smiled and nodded before she left her his room.

Chandler smirked and turned his attention back to his video games. He couldn't wait for tonight and right now he was just trying to kill some time.


When Katelyn walked down the stairs in her red dress, she couldn't help but blush when she saw Chandler looking at her with a stunned look on his face.

Her eyes travelled from his head down to his shoes, he was wearing a standard tuxedo and a red tie. He looked so damn sexy in the tux and Katelyn's blush grew warmer at the thought of what was underneath that tux. As she stepped off the stairs and came to stand in front of her, her thoughts dissipated like a puff of smoke in the wind

"Hi," She said in a soft voice, her pale blue eyes full of happiness, "You look very handsome."

He blushed and smiled affectionately at her, " look...beautiful Katelyn, absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you Chandler," she said, her voice was soft and barely audible and for several moment they just stared lovingly at each other.

"Um sorry to interrupt but Chandler don't you have something to give Katelyn?" Gina asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Chandler pulled out a clear case from his pocket and opened it. A white and red flower was in the case and he pulled it out and slid it onto her wrist, "Do you like it?"

"Its lovely thank you," Katelyn said and then smiled when Chandler passed her another flower, this one had a pin on the back.

"Try not to stab me," Chandler joked as she pinned it onto his jacket. She rolled her eyes at the joke.

"You two look so adorable," Natalie gushed, "Now let's get some pictures before you two head off."

After spending the next few minutes taking pictures with each other, with their families and individually, Chandler and Katelyn headed towards his car.

He opened the door for her like the true gentleman he was and once she was in, climbed into the driver's side and slowly drove out of the Nacon's driveway and towards the golf club where prom was being held.

The Story Of ChandlynWhere stories live. Discover now